Pokemon Scarlet and Violet offer new powerful variants of pocket monsters known as Paradox Pokemon. These entities are the ancient or far-future forms of some present-day creatures that trainers have come to know and love. Scream Tail is a Paradox Pokemon in the titles.
This pocket monster is the primal form of Jigglypuff. Exchanging its secondary Normal type for a Psychic one, Scream Tail is a Paradox Pokemon that received the largest base stat increase compared to its present relative. It also has a huge pool of Speed, HP, and Special Defense stats.
If trainers want to catch Scream Tail, it is only fair to add the present-day Jigglypuff line to their collection in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet as well. So how can gamers do so? Luckily, the process is much easier than some may assume.
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Catching every member of Jigglypuff Family in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Despite being quite a pain to find in almost every other main series game it makes an appearance in, Igglybuff is very easy to come by in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. You can encounter one around Los Platos, the village every trainer must visit before heading to the academy.
Given that the creature is a baby Pokemon, it can be quite frail. For this reason, it may be best to use a Quick Ball if you have access to one. If not, using a status move like Thunder Wave and then throwing a Poke Ball will usually result in a capture.

For trainers looking to travel to the Paldea region in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, it may be in their best interest to simply evolve their Igglybuff to a Jigglypuff. This can be done by leveling up the creature after you reach a maximum friendship value with it, which can easily be achieved by feeding the entity sandwiches and playing with the pocket monster during a picnic.
For those looking to catch their own Jigglypuff, these creatures can typically be found in South Province Area One. Most trainers will know this location as the olive field they must traverse before challenging the Bug-type Gym Leader. The desired Pokemon can be found strolling through the orchards.

If you want to evolve your Jigglypuff into a Wigglytuff, this can be done fairly easily, as it only requires one Moon Stone. These are quite common in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, as they can be found in caves, purchased at the auction house, or awarded for reaching a certain milestone with regard to the Pokedex.
Should you wish to catch the creature instead, you will need to turn your attention to the North Province. Just north of the bamboo thicket, you will find a small path that you can climb with your Ride Pokemon. Upon doing so, Wigglytuff and a small pack of Jigglypuff can be spotted at the end of it.
Scream Tail

Before you begin your hunt for Scream Tail, please note that only those who purchased Pokemon Scarlet will be able to catch this primal Paradox Pokemon. For those playing this version, Scream Tail will populate the entirety of Area Zero, a location that must be accessed to complete the game.
As for players in Pokemon Violet, YouTuber Austin John Plays makes sure you are not left out. There is a special link trade code offered by the content creator that trainers can use to obtain the version-exclusive Pokemon. For Scream Tail, you will need to enter the code 0377-0383. However, you must have an Iron Bundle to trade in exchange. When you enter the Poke Portal Link Trade section, you will be prompted to enter a code.
Hopefully, this guide is helpful for trainers either looking to add these creatures to their team or to fill their Pokedex in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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