In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players can catch Tyranitar and its pre-evolutions and what appears to be a futuristic relative of it: Iron Thorns. Over the years, fans have grouped pocket monsters like Tyranitar, with three-stage evolutions and a base stat of 600, under the category of pseudo-legendary. The Pokemon of this variety are significantly powerful and valuable allies to have on your side. The complete list of pseudo-legendaries is as follows:
- Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite
- Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar
- Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence
- Beldum, Metang, Metagross
- Gible, Gabite, Garchomp
- Deino, Zweilous, Hydreigon
- Goomy, Sliggoo, Goodra
- Jangmo-o, Hakamo-o, Kommo-o
- Dreepy, Drakloak, Dragapult
- Frigibax, Archibax, Baxcalibur
Tyranitar is a popular choice among these pseudo-legendaries and this article will let readers know how they can find Larvitar and its evolved forms in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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Where to find Larvitar, Pupitar, and Tyranitar in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Sadly for fans of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the Generation 2 Rock Skin Pokemon Larvitar is only available in Scarlet. Players with the former title can get their hands on Larvitar by trading with someone or utilizing the multiplayer mode.
Larvitar spawns in various parts of the new Paldea map with its Pokedex information mentioning that it can be found living in shades and trees, although rarely seen. Players can look into the following areas to catch the pocket monster:
- Alfornada Cavern
- Dalizapa Passage
- Asado Desert
- East Province (Area 3)
- South Province (Area 5)
- West Province (Area 1)
To further improve their chances of encountering Larvitar, players can also consume a sandwich that raises the chances of coming across Ground-type or Rock-type Pokemon. Although extremely lucky players might end up coming across Pupitar in the Alfornada Caverns, they can also evolve their Larvitar to its next form by grinding it to level 30 through battling or Rare Candy.
While it is an arduous process to evolve the Hard Shell Pokemon, it is well worth the effort, given its final form being a pseudo-legendary Pokemon. Players will be able to evolve Pupitar into Tyranitar at level 55. The behemoth Armor Pokemon is a dual-type with Rock and Dark whose threatening presence and offensive stats make it a must-have for your party.
Where to find Iron Thorns in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have brought in a new kind of pocket monster in Paradox Pokemon. These are future/ancient versions of some of the popular critters that can be found in Paldea once players have completed the main story and depending on whether they are playing Scarlet or Violet. A Paradox form of Tyranitar, Iron Thorns, is available in the new Generation 9 titles and is exclusive to Pokemon Violet.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players are already aware of the unique nature of Area Zero and it is there that one would find the Rock- and Electric-type Iron Thorns. YouTuber astephen68 mentions that players can find one by going to Research Station No. 1, exiting the building, and then scaling the rocky structure on the right side.
How to get Larvitar in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?
Pokemon Scarlet players can catch Larvitar in several areas early on in the game. Look for it in:
- South Province Area Five
- East Province Area Three
- Along the path between Mesagoza (south exit) and Artazon (Brassius's gym)
- Along the path between Levincia and Medali
Unfortunately for Pokemon Violet players, Larvitar is exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet. However, here's how you can still get one:
- Trade: Find a Pokemon Scarlet player willing to trade Larvitar.
- Raids: Join a raid battle hosted by a Scarlet player, where Larvitar might appear.
- Trade codes: Search online for trade codes specific to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet exclusives. This can help you find someone to trade with.
Also read: How to breed in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
FAQs on the Tyranitar evolution line in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Q1) How to evolve Larvitar into Pupitar?
Ans: Just train your Larvitar to level 30 in Pokemon Scarlet or Violet. It will evolve into Pupitar automatically.
Q2) How to evolve Pupitar into Tyranitar?
Ans: Pupitar in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet evolves into Tyranitar simply by reaching level 55. No special items are needed for this evolution.
Q3) Can you evolve Tyranitar into Iron Thorns?
Ans: No. Iron Thorns is a separate Pokemon, not an evolution. You can catch it in Pokemon Violet's endgame.
Check out our other Pokemon Scarlet and Violet coverage:
- Indigo Disk release date & time
- Best starters for Scarlet and Violet
- All active Mystery Gift codes
- Dialga and Palkia Spotlight item drops
- Indigo Disk Pokedex
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