Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players can take part in different Academy Classes in the game. However, doing so is completely optional. The biggest reason to attend these classes is to earn some good rewards, especially during the early stages of the two titles. Here are the relevant subjects taught at the Academy:
- Art
- Battle
- Biology
- History
- Home Economics
- Language
- Maths
This article will cover the related topic of befriending the teachers at Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Naranja and Uva Academy. Getting to know your professors in these side quests adds a lot more depth to these characters' personalities than just taking regular classes. Not to mention, there are also additional rewards worth covering for the same.
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Are players needed to attend Academy Classes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

You unlock Academy Classes very early on in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Depending on your game version, either Naranja or Uva Academy is the full name of the school that you, Nemona, and several other students attend at the beginning of the games.
Since Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are open-world games with the freedom to do whatever you want, some players might choose to skip Academy Classes and focus on something else. However, you get some useful elements by attending school, especially early on, where the rewards are most useful.
If you'd like to take a class, talk to the old lady NPC at the front desk inside the Academy, who will prompt you to study one of several subjects. How many classes you can take correlates with the number of gyms you have completed thus far. Each subject has up to six classes, and there are tests associated with the number you have finished thus far.

Completing three academy classes allows you to take the mid-term exams, while completing six makes you eligible for the finals. You just need to answer three questions correctly to pass the midterms and get four questions correct for the finals.

Here are the rewards associated with passing these two tests:
- Midterms: 5 Exp. Candy S
- Finals: 5 Exp. Candy M
One Exp. Candy S gives you 800 experience when used, whereas a single Exp. Candy M gives you 3,000. These rewards are quite good for the early game, especially since you only need to beat the second gym to unlock all Academy Classes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Befriending teachers

The final detail worth noting is that you can befriend teachers in these two games. Here are the requirements maxing out each teacher:
- Clavell: Complete Starfall Street
- Dendra: Complete all Battle classes and conversations.
- Hassel: Complete all Art classes and conversations.
- Jacq: Take a Biology Class and register 200 Pokemon in your Pokedex
- Miriam: Talk to her several times.
- Raifort: Show her Chi-Yu, Chien-Po, Ting-Lu, and Wo-Chien.
- Saguaro: Give him Sweet Herb Mystica.
- Salvatore: Complete all Language classes
- Tyme: Complete all Math classes and conversations.
Here are the rewards for befriending each teacher in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:
- Clavell: Big Nugget
- Dendra: 10 Proteins
- Hassel: 50 Dragon Tera Shards
- Jacq: False Swipe TM, 20 Ultra Balls
- Miriam: 10 Max Revives
- Raifort: Nasty Plot TM
- Saguaro: Slowpoke Cup
- Salvatore: Galarian Meowth
- Tyme: 50 Rock Tera Shards