Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, the latest entry in the iconic monster-catching series, will be here in the next few months. As such, the constant drip-feed of information since its announcement has kept fans clamoring for more. This has also given rise to various rumors and leaks over the past month.
From new Pokemon to more details on the gameplay, fans are definitely not starved for exciting information. However, it remains to be seen whether they are true or not.
Expxloring major Pokemon Scarlet & Violet rumors that were leaked in August 2022
1) Paradox Pokemon
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A variety of Paradox Pokemon were leaked. These are creatures that come from either the past (in Scarlet) or the future (in Violet). As such, they boast a different look and even new elemental types to an extent. Jigglypuff's Ancient variant seemingly has fangs, a vampire kind of look; they apparently have weird names that follow a pattern, but do not have the name of the original monster.
Overall, the Paradox variants include favorites like Volcarona, Salamence, Gallade, and even legendaries like Suicune. They can be caught near the end of the campaign, and catching monsters in general also seems to have a new gimmick this time around, described as a "non-battle battle."
2) Elite Four and narrative
The iconic 4-man gaunrlet will make a comeback in Scarlet & Violet. Three of them have been suggested to be Ground, Flying, and Dragon, while the fourth remains a mystery. One of the Elite Four members is a child, it seems that there will be more than one Champion this time as well.
It has also been hinted that the Gym Leaders (who can be re-battled) and Elite Four in this generation will use Pokemon that are not of their type but will instead Terastalize them.
Touching a bit on the plot aspect, each "storyline" in Scarlet & Violet will have a unique rival NPC — and there will be three of them. Players will also need to clear three routes or quests to see the ending.
3) Brand new Paldean Pokemon
There are a bunch of brand new creatures to discover in the game's setting in Paldea. While these are yet to be confirmed, many unique monsters have been detailed. These include:
- A Kamen Rider-inspired grasshopper (Bug/Dark)
- A Tumbleweed monster (Ghost/Grass)
- Sushi-based catfish (Water/Dragon)
Of course, Paldea-exclusive variants of Pokemon will be present as well. One seems to be a blue-colored Tauros that is a Water/Fighting type. Some older creatures like Girafarig and Primeape will be getting evolutions; the latter is eerily a Fighting/Ghost Type. Regional commoners (think Wingull or Rattata) this time include an Electric-type seagull for the bird while the bug is a grasshopper or a cricket.
This game also has the highest number of single-form (without evolution) as well as brand new monsters in the series yet. Something called a Convergence Species also exists and Diglet is one of that category - these seemingly look like the original monsters but are in fact new creatures entirely.
On an unrelated note, the totem-like boss monsters from Pokemon Sun/Moon seem to be here in some fashion as well.
4) Egg hatching

This sees a bigger focus than ever before. Egg hatching is the process of, well, hatching a Pokemon out of an obtained egg. Here's all that is known about it:
- Eggs can be obtained via a new mechanic called Pokémon Picnic, and it is an equivalent to Amie and Refresh modes from previous games. Here, players can wash their monsters as well, though some dislike that; washing them restores their HP and increases Friendship.
- Egg incubators are used to hatch eggs. This replaces the Daycare/Nursery.
- Players can put an egg inside the incubator and must wait for it to hatch.
- While not confirmed, it could be possible that walking in-game can cause it to hatch faster —just like carrying it around on the team in previous games does.
It was also suggested that the eggs would take one to two hours on average to hatch in the incubator. Whether this is real-time or in-game hours remains uncomfirmed, but will likely be the latter.
The game will launche November 18, 2022, for Nintendo Switch.
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