Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's first DLC, known as The Teal Mask, has finally arrived. Trainers have wasted no time venturing to the land of Kitakami to take on all of the challenges and adventures it contains. New and returning Pocket Monsters await, and all the while, players will be uncovering the mystery surrounding Ogerpon and its connection to Area Zero.
Depending on the trainers' progression through Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's main story, they may encounter more or less resistance in Kitakami. The DLC features a level scaling system to accommodate fans who haven't progressed far in the Paldean story, as well as those who have long reached the endgame.
If Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players are curious about the best teams to use during The Teal Mask, there are a few recommended choices depending on where they are in the DLC's story.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the opinions of the writer
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Recommended teams for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players in the early, mid, and late game of The Teal Mask
Early Game

At the outset of The Teal Mask DLC, players will exit the shores of Paldea and make their way to Kitakami. During this time, they'll go through Mossui Town and meet a few new characters, including Carmine and Kieran. It won't take long before Carmine challenges trainers to a battle, and they'll want to be ready for her.
To prepare to counter Carmine's Poltchageist, Poochyena, and Vulpix, trainers will want a well-balanced team of Pocket Monsters with varied elemental types. However, depending on how far along fans were back in Paldea, they may have access to other creatures that early-game players may not be able to obtain right away.
Having said that, a great balanced team for newer players and fans who have already cleared Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's initial story is as follows:
- Starter Pokemon
- Paldean Wooper or Clodsire
- Mankey/Primeape/Annihilape
- Houndour/Houndoom
- Alolan Raichu or Shinx/Luxio/Luxray
- Koraidon/Miraidon, if available, or Applin/Flapple/Appletun
The team above has a great elemental mix and should easily overpower Carmine's team in Mossui Town while being able to go toe-to-toe with her and Kieran's teams later on in the early game as well. Obviously, players can always choose to swap out certain creatures based on their preferences.

By the mid-game, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trainers have had the opportunity to catch more than a few native or returning creatures from the land of Kitakami. Furthermore, they'll continue to battle a wild Milotic and the trio of Pocket Monsters referred to as Kitakami's Loyal Three.
At this point in The Teal Mask, players will want to account for Kieran's updated battle line and the Titans Munkidori, Okidogi, and Fezandipiti as well. This team should also be able to handle Milotic and take on any miscellaneous trainers you may find along the way.
A well-balanced group of Pokemon can be:
- Starter Pokemon
- Golem/Alolan Golem or Tyranitar
- Abomasnow
- Clodsire
- Morpeko, Bellibolt, or Iron Hands
- Koraidon/Miraidon, if available, otherwise Chandelure
The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet composition listed above does have its weaknesses in elemental matchups. However, when it comes to overcoming the major portions of The Teal Mask's mid-game, it is excellent. The team can beat multiple Kieran teams and directly counter the Loyal Three.
Clodsire will be Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trainers' hard counter against the Loyal Three, as its Ground/Poison-typing allows it to deal super effective damage to the group while resisting the Toxic Chain ability they possess.
Late Game

In the final moments of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players' progression in The Teal Mask, they'll be undertaking a few more battles against Carmine and Kieran. However, the tallest task that trainers will face will be battling Ogerpon, which will use all of the masks that players have collected for it.
By using these masks, Ogerpon can change its elemental type and ability on the fly. Since this is the case, trainers will want a team that is as flexible as possible to defeat it while still being able to topple Carmine and Kieran. This may seem like a tall task, but with well-trained Pocket Monsters that win the type matchups, it isn't too tough.
A great recommended Pokemon Scarlet and Violet team to push through the late game can be similar to the one found below:
- Vikavolt
- Mamoswine
- Infernape
- Magcargo
- Ludicolo
- Koraidon/Miraidon, if available, Dipplin also performs well
This lineup should be fully capable of countering both the sibling duo's team and accounting for Ogerpon, regardless of the mask it is wearing over the course of the battle. However, fans should ensure that they keep healing items handy and their Tera Orbs charged.
As long as Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players are mindful of the type matchup on the battlefield and the creatures they're using have high levels and IV/EV stats, the challenge posed by Carmine, Kieran, and Ogerpon can be handled with little effort.
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