Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti make up the Loyal Three in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's The Teal Mask DLC. They all have a low Catch Rate of three, meaning that anybody seeking to obtain this trio may need to stock up on higher-rarity Poke Balls. If you have spare Master Balls, using them to catch these entities would be a good idea to save time.
Otherwise, make sure to bring a Paralysis or Sleep-inducing Pokemon alongside a False Swipe user for a better chance of capturing them. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trainers can get Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti after they complete the main storyline in The Teal Mask DLC. They cannot obtain them in their Titan forms during that plot.
Where to get Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's The Teal Mask DLC

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Remember the map Carmine showed you early on in The Teal Mask DLC about the Loyal Three's locations? Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti can all be found in the same general areas after you complete the main storyline in Kitakami.
The only thing left to do is locate and battle them in the overworld. Catching them will be the same as any other fight.
How to catch Okidogi

Okidogi is located in the northwestern part of Kitakami and is just standing around. It is a Poison/Fighting-type with the following Base Stats:
- 88 HP
- 128 Attack
- 115 Defense
- 58 Sp. Atk
- 86 Sp. Def
- 80 Speed
You can save your progress before talking to any of the Loyal Three. Once you're prepared, it's time to initiate the battle. Open with a Quick Ball (or Master Ball if you have a spare one). Afterward, whittle Okidogi's HP down, give it a non-damaging status condition, and then throw some Balls at this entity.
One thing of note is that all members of the Loyal Three have the Toxic Chain Ability, which can badly Poison you whenever they attack. Stock up on Full Restores if you wish to be safe from this move.
How to catch Munkidori

Munkidori is in another easy-to-reach location in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. It is located near the lake in the southwestern part of Kitakami. Its Base Stats are as follows:
- 88 HP
- 75 Attack
- 66 Defense
- 130 Sp. Atk
- 90 Sp. Def
- 106 Speed
Munkidori is a Poison/Psychic-type. The strategy for catching this entity is the same as in the previous battle.
How to catch Fezandipiti

The final entity in the Loyal Three in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's The Teal Mask DLC is Fezandipiti. This creature can be found in the mountains east of Crystal Pool, and its base stats are as follows:
- 88 HP
- 91 Attack
- 82 Defense
- 70 Sp. Atk
- 125 Sp. Def
- 99 Speed
Contrary to his appearance, Fezandipiti is a Poison/Fairy-type, not a Flying-type. Use the same strategy as you used in the previous two battles to catch him. Remember to save your game beforehand to save time in case you mess up.
That's the end of this Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guide, so good luck to anybody seeking to catch all members of the Loyal Three.
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