As players' journey through Paldea in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet comes to an end, they will need to face the ultimate trial, the great crater of Paldea. As this area gets hyped up more and more throughout the main campaign, many are at the edge of their seats as to what this area of the region beholds.
Thankfully, players will finally get to explore it in the final main quest of the game, The Way Home. Included in the Herba Mystica questline, trainers must journey to Area Zero with the friends they make along the way. In doing so, they must finally meet up with either Professor Turo or Sada and help them with their research.
Due to a potential oversight when programming Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the minimap that has guided players thus far will not work while they traverse the new area. For this reason, it can be easy to lose the way, especially with all the new Pokemon in the area to catch distracting trainers.
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The Adventure Concludes: Completing Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Final Questline

After the introduction cutscene for the final quest begins, trainers will be instructed on their main task: To locate each of the research facilities in the area and press their switches to unlock the final door, which rests at the bottom of the crater. These research centers are large, white, blocky buildings; hard to miss.
Given the geography of Area Zero, players are motioned to move further down the crater until they reach the bottom. With this in mind, trainers who find themselves stuck should always keep an eye out for a research center and head further down the cavern until they find the next one required for the quest.
The journey to the center of the abyss will not be an easy one. Players and their team of allies will be stopped at every facility they visit. Before entering, trainers will need to battle a strong wild Pokemon. While these encounters are normal at first, they get a bit more bizarre as one progresses further down the cavern with the second pitting the party against a new Paradox Pokemon.
With the difference in Paradox Pokemon being different between Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, it can be a bit inconsistent to prepare. However, players of Pokemon Violet should be cautious of the abundance of powerful Steel-types as a large number of such pocket monsters in the title possess it as one of their elemental typings.
The next jump in difficulty comes on reaching the Zero Lab, their final destination. After being confronted with another laggy cutscene, players will need to fight a variety of different Paradox Pokemon to enter the facility. The battles are all 2v1s with the trainer and their ally against an opposing creature, so they should be easy to take down.
After entering the lab, players will reach a dramatic conclusion to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Following another cutscene, they will be prompted to enter the research facility's basement to complete their final task. In order to do so, they must battle the Professor's team of all Paradox Pokemon.
While this battle is difficult on its own, it is followed by one of the most satisfying fights in the entire game: the first battle with the trusty Ride Legendary Pokemon, Koraidon or Miraidon, depending on the version. Pitting their companion against another of the same species, they must emerge victorious to beat the game.
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