With the Pokemon TCG Original 151 set already being released in Japan, trainers are eagerly waiting for its global release, which will happen later this month. The collection will focus on the original 151 pocket monsters that were introduced by Game Freak initially to the series.
It makes for a nice nostalgic callback to the OGs of the Pokemon world and a set that fans would not want to miss out on.
The Pokemon TCG Original 151 set is slated to release on September 22, 2023, around the globe. It was released in Japan on June 16, 2023.
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All available cards with Pokemon TCG Original 151
The available list of cards for this upcoming set is as follows (courtesy of Serebii):
- 1/165 - Bulbasaur
- 2/165 - Ivysaur
- 3/165 - Venusaur ex
- 4/165 - Charmander
- 5/165 - Charmeleon
- 6/165 - Charizard ex
- 7/165 - Squirtle
- 8/165 - Wartortle
- 9/165 - Blastoise ex
- 10/165 - Caterpie
- 11/165 - Metapod
- 12/165 - Butterfree
- 13/165 - Weedle
- 14/165 - Kakuna
- 15/165 - Beedrill
- 16/165 - Pidgey
- 17/165 - Pidgeotto
- 18/165 - Pidgeot
- 19/165 - Rattata
- 20/165 - Raticate
- 21/165 - Spearow
- 22/165 - Fearow
- 23/165 - Ekans
- 24/165 - Arbok ex
- 25/165 - Pikachu
- 26/165 - Raichu
- 27/165 - Sandshrew
- 28/165 - Sandslash
- 29/165 - Nidoran (female)
- 30/165 - Nidorina
- 31/165 - Nidoqueen
- 32/165 - Nidoran (male)
- 33/165 - Nidorino
- 34/165 - Nidoking
- 35/165 - Clefairy
- 36/165 - Clefable
- 37/165 - Vulpix
- 38/165 - Ninetales ex
- 39/165 - Jigglypuff
- 40/165 - Wigglytuff ex
- 41/165 - Zubat
- 42/165 - Golbat
- 43/165 - Oddish
- 44/165 - Gloom
- 45/165 - Vileplume
- 46/165 - Paras
- 47/165 - Parasect
- 48/165 - Venonat
- 49/165 - Venomoth
- 50/165 - Diglett
- 51/165 - Dugtrio
- 52/165 - Meowth
- 53/165 - Persian
- 54/165 - Psyduck
- 55/165 - Golduck
- 56/165 - Mankey
- 57/165 - Primeape
- 58/165 - Growlithe
- 59/165 - Arcanine
- 60/165 - Poliwag
- 61/165 - Poliwhirl
- 62/165 - Poliwrath
- 63/165 - Abra
- 64/165 - Kadabra
- 65/165 - Alakazam ex
- 66/165 - Machop
- 67/165 - Machoke
- 68/165 - Machamp
- 69/165 - Bellsprout
- 70/165 - Weepinbell
- 71/165 - Victreebel
- 72/165 - Tentacool
- 73/165 - Tentacruel
- 74/165 - Geodude
- 75/165 - Graveler
- 76/165 - Golem ex
- 77/165 - Ponyta
- 78/165 - Rapidash
- 79/165 - Slowpoke
- 80/165 - Slowbro
- 81/165 - Magnemite
- 82/165 - Magneton
- 83/165 - Farfetch'd
- 84/165 - Doduo
- 85/165 - Dodrio
- 86/165 - Seel
- 87/165 - Dewgon
- 88/165 - Grimer
- 89/165 - Muk
- 90/165 - Shellder
- 91/165 - Cloyster
- 92/165 - Gastly
- 93/165 - Haunter
- 94/165 - Gengar
- 95/165 - Onix
- 96/165 - Drowzee
- 97/165 - Hypno
- 98/165 - Krabby
- 99/165 - Kingler
- 100/165 - Voltorb
- 101/165 - Electrode
- 102/165 - Exeggcute
- 103/165 - Exeggutor
- 104/165 - Cubone
- 105/165 - Marowak
- 106/165 - Hitmonlee
- 107/165 - Hitmonchan
- 108/165 - Lickitung
- 109/165 - Koffing
- 110/165 - Weezing
- 111/165 - Rhyhorn
- 112/165 - Rhydon
- 113/165 - Chansey
- 114/165 - Tangela
- 115/165 - Kangaskhan ez
- 116/165 - Horsea
- 117/165 - Seadra
- 118/165 - Goldeen
- 119/165 - Seaking
- 120/165 - Staryu
- 121/165 - Starmie
- 122/165 - Mr. Mime
- 123/165 - Scyther
- 124/165 - Jynx ex
- 125/165 - Electabuzz
- 126/165 - Magmar
- 127/165 - Pinsir
- 128/165 - Tauros
- 129/165 - Magikarp
- 130/165 - Gyarados
- 131/165 - Lapras
- 132/165 - Ditto
- 133/165 - Eevee
- 134/165 - Vaporeon
- 135/165 - Jolteon
- 136/165 - Flareon
- 137/165 - Porygon
- 138/165 - Omanyte
- 139/165 - Omastar
- 140/165 - Kabuto
- 141/165 - Kabutops
- 142/165 - Aerodactyl
- 143/165 - Snorlax
- 144/165 - Articuno
- 145/165 - Zapdos ex
- 146/165 - Moltres
- 147/165 - Dratomo
- 148/165 - Dragonair
- 149/165 - Dragonite
- 150/165 - Mewtwo
- 151/165 - Mew ex
- 166/165 - Bulbasaur
- 168/165 - Charmander
- 170/165 - Squirtle
- 173/165 - Pikachu
- 174/165 - Nidoking
Where to get the Pokemon TCG Original 151 set?
Trainers can pre-order or purchase the Pokemon TCG Original 151 set from the Pokemon Center website or any major retailer that sells Pokemon TCG products. While many of the shops have sold out, it is likely they will stock up soon with more.
For Pokemon TCG Original 151, the Ultra-Premium Collection edition contains the lucrative special illustration Mew ex card.
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