The A2 expansion, Space-Time Smackdown, has brought exciting new additions to Pokemon TCG Pocket, introducing powerful Sinnoh Legendaries like Palkia ex. Meanwhile, Fire-type enthusiasts have a reason to celebrate as well, thanks to the arrival of Infernape ex, the only fully evolved Sinnoh starter with an ex variant.
With its rapid attacking capabilities and strong offensive potential, Infernape ex is already carving its own space in the meta.
But how does it stack up against competition like Charizard ex? This guide explores the best deck composition and strategy to make the most of Infernape ex’s strengths.
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Best Pokemon TCG Pocket Infernape ex deck: Cards you need
To maximize Infernape ex’s effectiveness, you’ll need the following cards:
Also read: Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown: All cards, types, and rarities
Best Pokemon TCG Pocket Infernape ex deck: Strategy and gameplay

Infernape ex stands apart from other Fire-types by offering an aggressive yet flexible playstyle. Unlike Charizard ex, which is a known one-shot powerhouse, Infernape ex focuses on speed and sustained pressure.
Early game setup
One of Infernape ex’s biggest strengths is that its evolution line can attack early. Unlike Charmander’s evolution line, Chimchar and Monferno can be played aggressively from the start:
- Turn 1: Chimchar can be placed in the Active spot without hesitation.
- Turn 2: Monferno evolves and attacks with Fiery Punch (30 damage).
- Turn 3: Infernape ex evolves and uses Flare Blitz, dealing 140 damage.
This early damage progression allows Infernape ex to keep up with fast decks while securing early knockouts.
Flare Blitz and knockout potential
Flare Blitz is a high-damage move, dealing 140 damage — just enough to one-shot common threats like Weavile ex, Dialga ex, Magnezone ex, Exeggutor ex, Darkrai ex, and Yanmega ex.
With Giovanni, Infernape ex can even take down bulkier Pokemon like Palkia ex and Mewtwo ex. However, the move comes with a cost; it discards all attached Fire Energy, meaning Infernape ex can’t attack on consecutive turns without proper Energy management.
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Maintaining offensive pressure
To counter the drawback of Flare Blitz’s Energy discard, the deck employs key mechanics to keep up the tempo:
1) Free retreat: Infernape ex is the first Stage 2 Pokemon in Pokemon TCG Pocket to have a free retreat cost. This allows seamless transitions between attackers, maintaining momentum.
2) Dawn’s energy transfer: This Supporter card enables the transfer of Fire Energy from a Benched Pokemon to Infernape ex, allowing it to use Flare Blitz on consecutive turns.
3) Moltres ex as an Energy engine: Moltres ex plays a dual role in this deck:
- Acts as an early-game tank and Energy charger.
- Uses Inferno Dance on Turn 1 to attach Fire Energy.
- Can follow up with Heat Blast (70 damage) using Dawn on Turn 2 for additional pressure.
- After the early game, Moltres ex loses value and can be shuffled back into the deck using Pokemon Communication to search for missing evolutions.
Also read: 10 best cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown expansion
Best Pokemon TCG Pocket Infernape ex deck: Weaknesses and limitations
Despite the card's speed and offensive potential, using Infernape ex has its challenges:
- Stage 2 setup time: While fast for a Stage 2, evolving still takes time. This can sometimes contradict Infernape ex's aggressive playstyle.
- Lack of a perfect partner: The deck lacks an ideal Pokemon to switch into after Flare Blitz. The best option would be a Pokemon that is both tanky and can deal damage independently.
- Flare Blitz’s limitation against bulky targets: While 140 damage is strong, it struggles against Pokemon with Giant Cape or naturally high HP. Since Flare Blitz discards all Fire Energy, failing to secure a knockout can result in a major tempo loss, especially if the opponent has healing options.
Also read: All cards best synergised with Dialga ex from Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown
Properly using Infernape ex requires a fresh, aggressive Fire-type strategy in Pokemon TCG Pocket. Its ability to attack early, free retreat cost, and synergy with Energy acceleration make it a strong contender in the game's current meta.
While it has some drawbacks, particularly in sustaining its momentum against bulkier opponents, strategic play with Dawn and Moltres ex can mitigate these issues.
If you are interested in other Pokemon TCG Pocket topics, check out our other articles:
- Pokemon TCGP decks tier list
- Best Dialga ex deck guide
- Best Palkia ex deck guide
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