Pokemon TCG Ruler of the Black Flame standard cards have finally been revealed by The Pokemon Company, including a number of exciting inclusions. This particular set for the Scarlet and Violet TCG is coming next week in Japan, and later around the world as Obsidian Flames in August. The upcoming set's focus lies on Charizard, the iconic Flame Pokemon.
Today's guide will jot down all the cards The Pokemon Company revealed for the upcoming Pokemon TCG Ruler of the Black Flame.
What cards will be available for Pokemon TCG Ruler of the Black Flame?

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The official list of available cards for Pokemon TCG Ruler of the Black Flame is as follows (courtesy of Serebii):
- #1 - Oddish (50 HP)
- #2 - Gloom (80 HP)
- #3 - Bellossom (130 HP)
- #4 - Scyther
- #5 - Shuckle
- #6 - Combee
- #7 - Phantump
- #8 - Trevenant
- #9 - Capsakid
- #10 - Capsakid
- #11 - Scovillain
- #12 - Charmander
- #13 - Charmeleon
- #14 - Vulpix
- #15 - Ninetales
- #16 - Entei
- #17 - Darumaka
- #18 - Darmanitan
- #19 - Heatmor
- #20 - Elscue EX
- #21 - Carvanha
- #22 - Sharpedo
- #23 - Tympole
- #24 - Palpitoad
- #25 - Seismitoad
- #26 - Cubchoo
- #27 - Beartic
- #28 - Cryogonal
- #29 - Finizen
- #30 - Finizen
- #31 - Palafin
- #32 - Tyranitar EX
- #33 - Tynamo
- #34 - Eelektrik
- #35 - Eelektross
- #36 - Thundurus
- #37 - Toxel
- #38 - Toxtricity
- #39 - Tadbulb
- #40 - Tadbulb
- #41 - Bellibolt
- #42 - Cleffa
- #43 - Togepi
- #44 - Togetic
- #45 - Togekiss
- #46 - Espeon
- #47 - Lunatone
- #48 - Solrock
- #49 - Baltoy
- #50 - Claydol
- #51 - Vespiquen EX
- #52 - Greavard
- #53 - Greavard
- #54 - Houndstone
- #55 - Larvitar
- #56 - Pupitar
- #57 - Nosepass
- #58 - Bonsly
- #59 - Stunfisk
- #60 - Diggersby
- #61 - Rockruff
- #62 - Lycanroc
- #63 - Glimmet
- #64 - Glimmet
- #65 - Glimmora EX
- #66 - Charizard EX
- #67 - Paldean Wooper
- #68 - Paldean Wooper
- #69 - Paldean Clodsire
- #70 - Umbreon
- #71 - Houndour
- #72 - Houndoom
- #73 - Absol EX
- #74 - Darkrai
- #75 - Inkay
- #76 - Malamar
- #77 - Scizor
- #78 - Mawile
- #79 - Probopass
- #80 - Pawniard
- #81 - Bisharp
- #82 - Kingambit
- #83 - Varoom
- #84 - Varoom
- #85 - Revavroom EX
- #86 - Altaria
- #87 - Pidgey
- #88 - Pidgeotto
- #89 - Pidget EX
- #90 - Kangaskhan
- #91 - Eevee
- #92 - Zigzagoon
- #93 - Linoone
- #94 - Swablu
- #95 - Bunnelby
- #96 - Lechonk
- #97 - Lechonk
- #98 - Oinkologne
- #99 - Flamigo
- #100 - Letters of Encouragement
- #101 - Patrol Cap
- #102 - Revenge Punch
- #103 - Geeta
- #104 - Ortega
- #105 - Poppy
- #108 - Pokemon League Headquarters
- #111 - Palafin
- #113 - Cleffa
- #115 - Houndour
- #116 - Scizor
- #117 - Varoom
- #118 - Pidgey
- #119 - Pidgeotto
- #130 - Ortega
- #135 - Revavroom EX
- #136 - Pidgeot EX
- #137 - Geeta
- #138 - Poppy
When is Pokemon TCG Ruler of the Black Flame releasing?

The Pokemon TCG Ruler of the Black Flame set will release in Japan on July 28. Packaged as Obsidian Flames, it will release around the world on August 11.
These sets are part of the ongoing Generation 9 under the Scarlet and Violet banner.
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