When you talk of legendary beasts in the Pokemon franchise, many of them have insane backstories that a lot of the fans are not familiar with. However, you will come across some that do not have a definite origin story. For such cases, a lot of the information is often derived from possible real-life connections that throw light on the origins that inspired the creation of these creatures. Not all of them have a backstory that was provided by the canon series.
As a result, some have been drawn by popular fan-made theories, but you can be assured that everything has substantial reasoning. Thus, you will be able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together by the time you finish reading this article. It will walk you through the origin and purpose of every legendary and mythical Pocket Monster from the beginning of the Pokemon universe to the current date.
Arceus is born as the God of Pokemon

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It is believed that a long time ago, our universe began from nothing. The vast expanse of the cosmos, if there was one to begin with, was filled with an abundance of nothingness.
In this emptiness, there was an egg that hatched and Arceus saw the light of day. It is said that Arceus is the first Mythical Pokemon, and it came into existence before the universe did.
Creation of Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina in the Pokemon world

In the wake of its creation, Arceus, also known as the God of all Pokemon in existence, created Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina, giving them power and control over space, time, and antimatter, respectively. With these four creatures, the journey of the Pokemon saga began.
Creation of Cosmog, Solgaleo, and Lunala in the Pokemon world

Palkia started expanding space, giving room for Dialga to create planets for new life forms to dwell on. Palkia’s rapid space expansion created a phenomenon that gave life to a new legendary critter called Cosmog. Uncountable amounts of Cosmog spread through the expanses of Palkia’s space and eventually evolved into Solgaleos and Lunalas, inhabiting the suns and moons of nearby planets, respectively.
Creation of Mew in the Pokemon world

Dialga filled Palkia’s infinite space with billions of planets, amongst which was our very own Pokemon world, Earth. Dialga then created Mew to inhabit Earth. It also created Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus to act as the Gods of Earth. Ultimately, Dialga created Hoopa to act as the God of the Gods on Earth, thus ensuring a balanced society.
Creation of The Lake Guardian Pokemon: Mesprit, Azelf, and Uxie

We all know that Dialga is not a pure God like Arceus. As a result, its creations were not perfect and some of them had some serious flaws. Mew lacked knowledge, emotions, and willpower.
So, to compensate for this, Arceus created Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf, hoping this would give Mew these basic traits. These three legendary Pokemon were then sent to Lake Verity, Lake Acuity, and Lake Valor, respectively, which gave them the title The Lake Guardians. They are sometimes also referred to as The Lake Trio.
Birth of Rayquaza in the Pokemon world

Like Mew, Dialga’s other creations also had some flaws. Tornadus and Thundurus lacked the ability to control their power, which resulted in endless storms and destruction of land on Earth. During this chaos, Tornadus manages to win against Thundurus, and at the same time, Rayquaza is born within Earth's ozone layer. This gave it the status of a Demigod.
Formation of Hoopa Unbound in the Pokemon world

After this, Arceus gifted Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus with a new Therian form to have better control over their powers. While Arceus was fixing Dialga’s flawed creations, Giratina corrupted Hoopa’s conscience and convinced it to take over Arceus’ throne. Since this creature agreed, Giratina blessed it with a new form called Hoopa Unbound.
Arceus was very upset when it found out about Giratina’s betrayal. As a result, the latter was stripped of its original form and banished to the Distortion world. Since Hoopa was corrupted beyond repair by Giratina, Arceus sealed Hoopa Unbound in the Djinn’s Bottle, which is now known as the Prison Bottle.
Origin of Groudon, Kyogre, and Regigigas

A few thousand years passed since these events when Kyogre was formed from the pressure within the depths of the ocean, while Groudon was formed from the Magma in the core of the Earth. Over the following years, Kyogre filled the oceans with water and Groudon created new land. During the land creation, Regigigas was born.
Both Kyogre and Groudon had separate goals for Earth’s future and as a result, they started fighting for dominance over the Pokemon world. With Hoopa no longer present to look over the well-being of the beings on Earth, both Kyogre and Groudon overpowered the three Gods, governing the planet into submission.
However, Rayquaza managed to separate Groudon and Kyogre, and ordered them to return to their special caverns.
Arceus noticed this and blessed Rayquaza with a special form known as a Mega Evolution, thus giving birth to Mega Rayquaza, a more powerful form of Rayquaza.
Creation of Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde

As a result of the chaos between Groudon and Kyogre, Arceus felt the need for a higher governing body to maintain order on Earth. So, it created Xerneas to connect the five realms of the Pokemon universe to Earth. These comprised of The Realm of Arceus, The Realm of Dialga and Palkia, The Realm of the Heavens, The Realm of Mew, and The Realm of the Distortion World.
After this, Arceus created Yveltal, a blind God that can only look into the souls of every Pokemon. This beast would be a judge at the gate of The Realm of the Heavens and was popularly known for its destructive abilities.
Last, but not least, Arceus created Zygarde, a serpent-like legendary creature that was tasked to keep The Realm of Mew together, keeping balance on Earth as we know.
Creation of Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and Heatran

A few hundred years passed after these events. Regigigas gave birth to new continents by pulling the land created by Groudon. During this process, Regigigas created Regirock, Regice, and Registeel from clay, ice, and magma, respectively.
While Regigigas was creating new continents, the tremendous disruption of the tectonic plates led to the formation of Mount Coronet, which in turn created Heatran.
Birth of Ho-Oh and the legendary bird trio: Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos

Millions of years had passed since Heatran’s creation when Ho-oh was born in the sun of our solar system. Ho-Oh flew to Earth and created the legendary bird trio, Moltres, to symbolize the hot sun that Ho-Oh was born in, Articuno to symbolize the cold space that Ho-Oh traveled through to reach Earth, and Zapdos to symbolize the loud thunder that greeted Ho-Oh’s arrival on Earth.
Origin of Diancie, Genesect, and Jirachi

While this was happening, Mews from all over the world were dying and going extinct due to their DNA adapting to various living conditions on Earth. During this, deep within the mantle of Earth, Diancie was born and it became the most valuable mythical Pocket Monster to ever exist.
In the deep jungles where Bug-type creatures reigned, the Ancient form of Genesect emerged as the most powerful.
200 million years later, a massive meteor struck Earth with a force that wiped out almost all life on the planet. During this, Jirachi, a mythical creature, flew from the meteorite into a lake. This critter was originally created by Arceus as one of the Eight Firstborns.
Creation of Tapu Pokemon: Lele, Koko, Fini, and Bulu

100 million years after the meteor strike on the planet, Arceus decided to create four more legendary creatures before going into a deep slumber – Tapu Lele, Tapu Koko, Tapu Fini, and Tapu Bulu.
Arceus created these four creatures for every known planet in the universe, and these Pokemon were in charge of making life flourish on all the planets.
Creation of Meloetta, Celebi, and Shaymin

Tapu Lele created the first human being to walk on Earth. Lele then created Meloetta to give artistic inspiration to humans. Tapu Bulu then taught humans agriculture and how to coexist with Pokemon on Earth.
While this was happening, Tapu Fini and Tapu Koko taught different abilities to creatures all over the world.
Meanwhile, Xerneas released a huge amount of energy into its immediate surroundings and gave birth to the Ilex Forest, along with two new Pocket Monsters, Celebi and Shaymin, with both of them sharing a mythical status. After this, Xerneas transformed into a mythical tree and went into a long slumber.
Birth of Darkrai

A thousand years passed after Xerneas went into a deep sleep. People started to fear Regigigas for its extreme power. This new emotion, fear, gave birth to a mythical creature called Darkrai in the nightmares of humans. This pure evil forced people to lock away Regigigas, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel in a shrine.
Around this time, the Millennium Comet passed by Earth, awakening Jirachi from its long sleep.
Creation of Reshiram, Kyurem, and Zekrom

Seven thousand years passed since this event when a powerful and mysterious dragon was broken into three pieces – Reshiram, Kyurem, and Zekrom – due to a conflict between two brothers who had different motives in life.
Birth of Marshadow and creation of Mega Stones

Around 3,000 BC, there was a massive war that broke out in the Kalos region. A lot of creatures lost their lives in this war, and this gave birth to a new legendary creature known as Marshadow. This beast was basically the spirits of the deceased who lost their lives in the war.
A massive explosion that resulted from the firing of the Ultimate Weapon created a parallel universe. In one of these universes, all normal stones were transformed into Mega Stones that possessed mythical powers.
The other universe maintained the normal stones as the Ultimate Weapon was never fired in this one. We will continue with the events taking place in the former universe with the Mega Stones.
One thousand years passed since the formation of the parallel universe and a massive bombardment of meteorites kissed the face of the Earth. As a result of the extreme amounts of energy coming from the space rocks, Groudon and Kyogre underwent Primal Reversion and were about to go against each other, but Mega Rayquaza came to the rescue.
Thanks to Arceus’ gift to Rayquaza, with its Mega Evolution, this Demigod was able to send the two ancient creatures back to their respective caverns.
Birth of Cresselia in the Pokemon world

While this was happening, the Cygnus constellation was first seen from the Earth, and this gave birth to a new legendary creature called Cresselia. 3,500 years had passed since the birth of this critter when the three legendary birds created by Ho-Oh came into an argument over territorial possession of Johto.
Birth of Lugia in the Pokemon World

The altercation resulted in waves of mass destruction, and this gave birth to a new legendary creature called Lugia. This magnificent beast symbolizes the power of the sea. Lugia disrupted the fight between Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos, thus saving the people and Pokemon of Johto.
Birth of Magearna and Volcanion

Meanwhile, in the region of Alola, Magearna was created on a beach to protect the princess of the kingdom. This was the first and only artificial mythical creature to ever exist.
260 years after this, thanks to Meloetta’s influence, humans took inspiration from Volcanion to create the first steam engine. It is unknown where this mythical beast originated from, but one can assume that it had a similar origin story as Heatran.
Origin of the Swords of Justice: Terrakion, Virizion, Cobalion, and Keldeo

Eighty four years after the first steam engine, humans had begun taking over habitats of weak Pokemon that could not fight for their rights. Seeing this oppression, three legendary creatures – Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion – took matters into their own hands and served justice to the weaker critters.
These creatures were created by Zacian and Zamazenta, who were created by Calyrex thousands of years ago to protect the Galar region.
After Terrakion, Virizion, and Cobalion saved the weak critters from human oppression, they came across a mythical beast known as Keldeo. This critter was rendered homeless due to a man-made fire that destroyed the forest it used to live in. The trio decided to include Keldeo in their party, thus forming the famous Swords of Justice.
Origin of Latios and Latias in the Pokemon lore

56 years later, two legendary creatures – Latios and Latias – were appointed to guard Alto Mare, along with the precious item Soul Dew. Latios (Blue) is the male and symbolizes intellect, while Latias (Red) is female and symbolizes emotions.
These creatures were considered brother and sister, and they had psychic abilities that allowed them to communicate with humans.
Birth of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune in the Pokemon world

A few years after the introduction of Latias and Latios, a lightning bolt struck the Brass Tower in Ecruteak City and killed three creatures – Vaporean, Jolteon, and Flareon. Ho-Oh rushed to the burning tower to resurrect these creatures. While doing so, it bestowed them with legendary status, turning them into Suicune, Raikou, and Entei.
Raikou symbolizes the lightning bolt that struck the tower. Entei symbolizes the fire that burned the tower, and Suicune symbolizes the rain that extinguished the fire.
Origin of Mewtwo in the Pokemon world

40 years later, Team Rocket, a corrupt organization, utilized Mew’s DNA to create an immensely powerful legendary creature known as Mewtwo. This creature is said to be the strongest Pokemon that ever lived!
Origin of Deoxys and its arrival on Earth

80 years after the creation of Mewtwo, Deoxys was formed from the expansion of an alien virus that was stuck on a meteor headed towards Earth. This creature has the ability to freely change its form.
Origin of Manaphy and Phione

12 years after the formation of Deoxys, an egg hatched in the city of Samiya that gave birth to the mythical creature Manaphy. This creature was given the honor of being called the Prince of the Sea.
Manaphy, later on, bred with Ditto to give birth to the legendary creature, Phione. This is the only case of critters coming into existence as a result of breeding.
Around this time, Victini was discovered by an extremely rich family, and this creature is said to be the luckiest Pokemon alive. It is known to bestow immense luck upon anyone who comes in contact with it.
Origin of Necrozma and Ultra Beasts

In the year 2016, a black hole ripped the fabric of space near Earth, and this event gave birth to the legendary beast, Necrozma. This black hole then became a portal through which Ultra Beasts like Buzzwole, Guzzlord, Nihilego, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, and the like visited Earth from other dimensions.
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