Pokemon Unite is much like the main series games in terms of Physical Attack and Special Attack.
Some Pokemon excel at Physical Attacks, known just as Attacks in Pokemon Unite, that deal damage up close and personal with actual striking. Others may perform better with Special Attacks such as shooting flames or water.
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Each Pokemon in Pokemon Unite is categorized into an Attacker or Special Attacker. Looking at their specific stats for those categories will tell you which one they belong to.
The difference between Physical and Special Attack in Pokemon Unite

Pokemon Unite characters are either Attackers or Special Attackers. There is no way to change that. They will always have a higher stat in one of those categories than the other.
Every Pokemon uses its Attack stat during its Basic Attacks. These are always going to be regular Attacks. However, Pokemon who have a higher Special Attack will use that stat on the third strike.
The attacks that are learned throughout a game of Pokemon Unite also use these stats. A Pokemon's unique moves will use Attack or Special Attack to calculate damage depending on that Pokemon's classification.
Knowing this comes in handy when selecting held items for your favorite Pokemon. You'll want to make sure Attack and Special Attack items are dished out to those who can truly benefit from them.
Here are the Pokemon currently in Pokemon Unite classified as Attackers:
- Absol
- Charizard
- Cinderace
- Crustle
- Garchomp
- Greninja
- Lucario
- Machamp
- Snorlax
- Talonflame
- Zeraora
Following that, here are all of the Pokemon Unite characters classified as Special Attackers:
- Alolan Ninetails
- Cramorant
- Eldegoss
- Gengar
- Mr. Mime
- Pikachu
- Slowbro
- Venusaur
- Wigglytuff
While X Attack is a Battle Item that increases both Attack and Special Attack, there are items that focus on a specific one:
- Muscle Band (Attack)
- Float Stone (Attack)
- Attack Weight (Attack)
- Shell Bell (Special Attack)
- Sp. Atk Specs (Special Attack)
- Wise Glasses (Special Attack)
Now that you know the difference between Attack and Special Attack in Pokemon Unite pick a character, dive into a game, rush a lane, and make your way to that coveted Master Rank.
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