Elite TMs in Pokemon GO are one of the game's most valued resources. These items give Pokemon select moves that are unobtainable with regular TMs. You can select the exact move you want to give to your Pocket Monsters using Elite TMs in this game.
Before we dive into the best Pokemon worthy of Elite TMs in Pokemon GO in 2024, let us go over some fundamentals of this item.
How are Elite TMs different from regular TMs?

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Regular TMs let you change your Pokemon's moves but you can't choose which one gets added in place of the one you want to remove. Using this can be hard to get the move you want. It is painful when you use it on a monster like Mew that has 14 Fast moves and 25 Charged moves.
Elite TMs let you choose the exact move you want to add to your Pokemon's moveset. You won't have to rely on your luck to hit the nail on the head. This is what makes Elite TMs so valuable in Pokemon GO. Furthermore, these items give you access to Legacy moves that you cannot give to your monsters with regular TMs.
How to get Elite TMs in Pokemon GO
There are a couple of ways to get Elite TMs in this game:
- Community Day Box offers
- GO Battle League rewards
- GO Battle Day rewards
- Seasonal Research
The first method is pay-to-win. So, if you want to go that route, it is advisable to use the website, as you might get discounts or additional offers.
Should you use your Elite TMs on Pokemon with bad IVs in Pokemon GO?
Unless it is an extremely rare Pokemon like Shadow Kyogre or Shadow Groudon, you should never waste your Elite TMs on Pokemon with bad IVs. Given its scarcity in Pokemon GO, you should always save this item for monsters with good IVs.
That said, let us now take a look at the best monsters worthy of your TMs in GO.
Top 20 Pokemon you should use your Elite TMs on in Pokemon GO
1) Mega Charizard Y

You can give a Community Day exclusive move like Blast Burn to Mega Charizard Y. With Blast Burn, Charizard's rating goes from 47.84 to 51.9. It is worth running Blast Burn over Overheat with this monster.
2) Mega Blaziken

Mega Blaziken is another Pokemon that can benefit from Blast Burn. Giving this attack to Blaziken takes its rating from 48.05 to 51.65. A 3.6-point difference is a little lower than the previous entry but is equally beneficial on the battlefield.
3) Reshiram

If you still want more strong Fire-type Pokemon, consider using a TM to give Fusion Flare to Reshiram. It is an absolute legend in Pokemon GO and with Fusion Flare, it will have a lot more potential than with Overheat.
4) Heatran

It is advisable to use an Elite TM to give Magma Storm to Heatran in Pokemon GO. Magma Storm is this monster's signature move, and compared to Flamethrower, you will get an extra 3.85 rating points with Heatran's Legacy move.
If you don't plan on running this monster in the Master League, you can avoid giving it Magma Storm for PvE.
5) Mega Sceptile

Upgrading from Leaf Blade to Frenzy Plant is worth the investment if you want a powerhouse of a Grass-type Pokemon. Doing this gives you a 4.23 rating-point advantage, making it stand out as a worthy contender for your Elite TM in Pokemon GO.
6) Kyogre

Using your Elite TM to give Origin Pulse to Kyogre makes a lot of sense in the game's current meta. With this attack, Kyogre gets a 3.61 rating boost, going from 54.58 to 58.1.
The boost drops a little for Shadow Kyogre, going from 3.61 to 2.58, and a tad bit more for Primal Kyogre, dropping to 2.45.
7) Mega Swampert

Switching Surf with Hydro Cannon using an Elite TM for Mega Swampert in Pokemon GO gives it an 8-point advantage. Given the viability of Water-type monsters in this game, this rating boost is worth the investment.
8) Shadow Moltres

Shadow Moltres raids were featured in Pokemon GO some time back, and if you want to upgrade a Flying-type Pokemon, Shadow Moltres is the only answer we can think of.
Sky Attack is the move you should give to this Legendary bird from Kanto; it also happens to be its Legacy move. We can't compare it to any other Flying-type move as Shadow Moltres does not have access to any other moves in this category.
9) Yveltal

Oblivion Wing on Yveltal is amazing and makes it valid in this list. This monster got its Legacy move Oblivion Wing during GO Fest 2023 and you will get an 8-point rating boost going from Hurricane to Oblivion Wing. Thus, it is worth an Elite TM if you want to use this monster.
10) Origin Forme Giratina

This monster with Shadow Claw and Shadow Force is a force to be reckoned with in the Pokemon GO Battle League. Shadow Force is this monster's Legacy move and compared to Shadow Ball, you will get a 1.74 rating difference. While it is nothing groundbreaking, the little difference sometimes goes a long way in PvP.
11) Shadow Mewtwo

This is one of the best monsters in Pokemon GO. Giving Psystrike to Shadow Mewtwo will give you a 4-point rating boost compared to Psychic. For regular Mewtwo, it is a 3.39-point boost.
However, we feel that investing in a regular Mewtwo might be more economical given the possibility of a Mega form coming to Pokemon GO in the future. You can even give it Shadow Ball using another Elite TM. Shadow Ball Mewtwo with Psystrike is an absolute monster in all forms of battles in this game.
12) Terrakion

With Double Kick and Sacred Sword, this monster is one of the best in the Fighting-type category. If not Sacred Sword, you can run Close Combat but Terrakion gets an 11-point rating boost with the former, which is also its Legacy move.
13) Mega Tyranitar

You should give this monster its Community Day exclusive Fast move, Smack Down. There are no other alternatives in the Rock-type category for Mega Tyranitar. If you want to utilize Mega Tyranitar's Dark-type potential, it is advisable to build one for Rock-type and one for Dark.
14) Shadow Rhyperior

If you want to use this monster in the Master League, you must give it Rock Wrecker. It does not make sense to build a Shadow Rhyperior for PvE fights. It does not have any comparison that could give you an idea of how good Rock Wrecker is but speaking from personal experiences, it is worth the investment.
15) Primal Groudon

Among Ground-type Pokemon in Primal Groudon is undefeated and with Precipice Blades, which is its Legacy move, it is one of the strongest attackers in the game. Going from Earthquake to Precipice Blades will give you a 7-point rating boost which justifies the investment of an Elite TM on this monster.
16) Mega Garchomp

You will get a 2-point rating boost going from Earthquake to Earth Power after using an Elite TM. Mega Garchomp with Earth Power is not better than Primal Groudon with Precipice Blades. But if you don't have a Groudon with good IVs, or if you find it difficult leveling up your Groudon, Mega Garchomp with Earth Power is the next best thing.
17) Metagross

This is one of the best beasts in Pokemon GO and you should use an Elite TM on this beast. Bullet Punch paired with Meteor Mash is the moveset you want on a Metagross. Meteor Mash is this monster's Community Day exclusive Charged move.
Using an Elite TM to replace Flash Cannon with Meteor Mash will give you an 11-point rating boost. You will get an additional 2 points on Shadow Metagross.
18) Xerneas

This is the only other monster in this list that takes an Elite Fast TM besides Mega Tyranitar. Using an Elite TM on Xerneas to give it Geomancy is one of the best decisions you can make in Pokemon GO.
Xerneas is one of the best monsters to use in the Master League. So, if you lean heavily on PvP, building a Xerneas with Geomancy will work wonders.
19) Shadow Salamence

Dragon Tail with Outrage is the moveset you want to run on your Shadow Salamence. Outrage is Salamence's Community Day move and compared to Draco Meteor, you will only get a 1.4-point rating boost.
While this is not a lot, this is recommended as Outrage is a two-bar-Charged move while the other is a one-bar move. Two-bar moves are better as you can dish out more damage instead of having to sit and charge up a one-bar move.
20) Therian Landorus

Lastly, Therian Landorus is worthy of an Elite TM in Pokemon GO. Upgrading this creature from Earthquake to Sandsear Storm will give you almost five points of rating boost. Sandsear Storm puts it at par with Groudon with Precipice Blades.
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