There are an immense number of creatures lurking in the wilderness of Pokemon GO. Some are powerful and have decent abilities, whereas some are weak. But when it comes to battle, all that matters is having powerful stats and moves. Not every battler has powerful stats or moves with annihilating effects, some are so weak they can’t even win against a housefly and would lose to a toothpick.
Not every Pocket Monster possesses the same level of integrity in the entirety of the franchise. In some cases, a Pokemon is powerful in one title but is useless in others. Several factors like the interface, gameplay system, ever-changing meta, and many other minor details play collaborative roles in it.
Below is a list of fighters that can’t pack a decent punch. These creatures bring no value to the table but rather become a liability during battles.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's views.
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Feebas and Magikarp battle for top spot of worst choices to have in Pokemon GO
5) Shedinja
Despite other games having the move Wonder Guard, developers of Pokemon GO still haven’t introduced it to Shedinja. It grants the Pokemon the unique ability to block attacks that aren’t Super Effective.
As a countermeasure for this extremely biased ability, Shedinja’s HP is set to only 1 and it doesn’t increase by any means. So, unless the enemy has a Super Effective move, they can’t inflict even minor damage on it.
That might be the case if the Pokemon has Wonder Guard. Sadly it doesn’t have that ability in Pokemon GO, but its HP is still stuck at 1. This ultimately makes Shedinja an option to avoid using in battles at all costs as even the weakest attack of your enemy will utterly destroy it.
4) Male Combee

Although both of Combee's genders are present in Pokemon GO, only the female can evolve into Vespiquen, whereas the male has no evolutionary chain. On top of that, the gender ratio of this creature is 12.5 % female and 87.5 % male, which shows how hard it is to get a one over the other.
With a maximum combat power of only 494 in Pokemon GO, this Bug & Flying beast is of absolutely no use in battles. It is more of a liability than an asset in a match since it has just two weak moves in its arsenal, Bug Bite and Bug Buzz. These attacks have no significant power behind them and they pathetically fall behind.
3) Luvdisc
The elegant and esthetic Luvdisc is a Water-type Pokemon that is famous for nothing but its looks.
As sad as it sounds, Luvdisc might look amazing, but it can’t do much with its maximum combat power being just 848 with weak battle stats. On top of that, it has no evolution or mega transformation of any sort. This fighter is practically a living target with weak moves like Water Gun & Water Pulse.
With an incredibly low Attack stat of just 81 and a Defense stat of 128 following a Stamina stat of 125, this Poket Monster holds no competitive value since there are way better battlers that are abundantly available in Pokemon GO.
2) Feebas

Known by many as one of the weakest in Pokemon GO, Feebas' stats are extremely low. Although it might evolve into Milotic, the Water-type creature is useless with its max CP of 310, with weak stats of 29 Attack, 85 Defense, and 85 Stamina Power.
Even with its most powerful offensive moveset, the combination of Tackle and Mirror Coat only amounts to 1.91 DPS, which might feel like a tickle to most Pokemon. The best option for trainers would be to skip using Feebas until they can afford enough Candy to evolve into Milotic.
1) Magikarp
Although it can evolve into a powerful Gyarados, Magikarp itself is useless in Pokemon GO. Its base stats are the same as Feebas, 29 Attack, 85 Defense, and 85 Stamina Power. These weak stats, coupled with unproductive attacks like Splash and Struggle, make it look like a joke in front of average enemies.
With the assurance of evolving into Gyarados and also attaining mega evolution at some point, players will certainly find use of Magikarp after its evolution. But just by itself, defeating an opponent is a concept that is very far away.
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