Pokemon GO features a vast collection of creatures that players can catch, train, battle, and trade. To differentiate each monster from the rest, they are assigned different elemental typings to showcase their strengths and weaknesses. Among these many elemental typings is the Dragon-type.
The Dragon typing is one of the rarest in the franchise, typically reserved for Pseudo-Legendary and Legendary Pokemon. As such, encountering one of these beasts in the game can be a rare occurrence, with many players going weeks or even months without encountering one.
However, since monsters of the Dragon typing are some of the best battlers in PvP, a lot of players would benefit from having some in their collection. Here are the five rarest Dragon-type Pokemon in the mobile game.
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Pokemon GO's rare Dragon-type Pokemon, including Kommo-o and Goodra
1) Giratina

Being a Legendary Pokemon, Giratina is one of the most powerful creatures in the franchise. What sets this menacing ruler of the Distortion World in Pokemon GO apart from its main line counterpart is the detail of both of its forms, Altered and Origin, being split between two different creatures with no way to freely change between them.
This leaves a lot of players wanting to add both forms to their collection for the sake of Pokedex completion. The need to catch both of these forms to complete Giratina's Pokedex page secures Giratina's spot as one of the rarest Dragon-types in the game.
2) Kommo-o

Kommo-o is one of the latest Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon added to the mobile game, so not a lot of trainers have had the chance to add this creature to their collection. Luckily, Niantic gave players a slightly easier way to do so in the Daily Adventure Incense. However, members of this creature family are still very rare spawns.
Those lucky enough to have this creature in their game would know that Kommo-o is one of the best Dragon-types in the Great and Ultra Leagues, thanks to its secondary Fighting typing. This equips it with the tools necessary to take out the metagame's many Steel-types.
3) Haxorus

Although it is neither a Legendary or a Pseudo-Legendary, Haxorus still has its fair share of fans in Pokemon GO. The beast is rarely seen in the mobile game's competitive formats, but it is one of the best Dragon-type attackers for the game's PvE Raid Battles.
Axew, Haxorus' base form, is one of the rarest spawns in the wild as well as the rarest hatch from eggs of the 10 kilometer tier. As such, not many players have access to this creature.
4) Noivern

Noivern is slightly rarer than Haxorus due to the amount of candies players need in order to evolve one in Pokemon GO. While players only need 125 Axew candies to get a Haxorus, they need a whopping 400 Noibat candies in order to get a Noivern.
Sadly, while Haxours does have a slight niche in the competitive scene and an amazing track record in PvE, Noibat is just terrible overall. This leaves the pick as not really being worth the effort, but still a nice addition to one's collection in Pokemon GO.
5) Goodra

Goodra secures a spot on this list for several reasons, including its rarity. It is a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon that has high candy requirements and the need for a Rainy Lure to fully evolve.
When it comes to securing Goodra's first form, Goomy, the creature belongs to the same rarity tier as Jangmo-o and Axew. As such, players looking to get a Goomy to evolve into Goodra in Pokemon GO will need to get very lucky with their 10 kilometer eggs.
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