7 rarest Pokemon only available through Research Tasks in Pokemon GO

Yveltal, one of the rarest creatures in Pokemon GO (Image via Niantic)
Yveltal, one of the rarest creatures in Pokemon GO (Image via Niantic)

Research Tasks are a wide array of missions that trainers must complete in Pokemon GO to help Professor Willow study new creatures in the fantastical world of Pokemon. Upon completion of various tasks, trainers do get generously rewarded. Some of these rewards are encounters with rare beasts that would otherwise be impossible to come across in the wild.


These rare creatures are usually a part of Special Research Tasks or Masterwork Research Tasks, and listed below are seven of the rarest Pokemon that were available to trainers through Research Tasks in Pokemon.

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Seven of the rarest creatures that were a part of Research Tasks in special events of Pokemon GO:

1) Victini (The Feeling of Victory in Pokemon GO)


Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game

Originating from the Unova region, Victini is a mythical creature that was introduced to players in Pokemon GO through a Special Research Task by the name of "The Feeling of Victory". This event went live in July 2021, and players could catch a normal version of Victini upon completing their research tasks.

Listed below are the six steps that were required to be completed before players could encounter Victini:

Special Research Step 1/6: (Reward: 30 great balls, an encounter with Ralts, and 1000 stardust)

  • Players had to catch 30 Pokemon (Reward: 3 Pinap Berries)
  • Players had to spin 30 Pokestops (Reward: 1000 experience points)
  • Players had to send 10 gifts to friends (Reward: 1000 stardust)

Special Research Step 2/6: (Reward: 30 great balls, an encounter with Torchic, and 1000 experience points)

  • Players had to catch 30 Psychic-type Pokemon (Reward: Encounter with Elgyem)
  • Players had to catch 30 Fire-type Pokemon (Reward: Encounter with Darumaka)
  • Players had to hatch 3 eggs (Reward: 1 Incubator)

Special Research Step 3/6: (Reward: 3 revives, an encounter with Espeon, and 1000 stardust)

  • Players had to take a snapshot of their buddy (Reward: 1 Poffin)
  • Players had to earn 3 candies walking with their buddy (Reward: 1000 stardust)
  • Players had to power up Pokemon 3 times (Reward: 3 Hyper Potions)

Special Research Step 4/6: (Reward: 3 max potions, an encounter with Victini, and 3 max revives)

  • Players had to win 3 gym battles (Reward: 1000 experience points)
  • Players had to defeat 3 Team GO Rocket grunts (Reward: 1 Lure Module)
  • Players had to win 3 raids (Reward: 1000 stardust)

Special Research Step 5/6: (Reward: 5 Victini stickers, 3000 stardust, and 1 star piece)

  • Players had to take a Snapshot of Victini (Reward: 20 Victini candies)
  • Players had to catch 30 different species of Pokemon (Reward: 1 Incense)
  • Players had to send 3 gifts to friends (Reward: 1000 experience points)

Special Research Step 6/6: (Reward: 1 lure module, 20 Victini candies, and 1 lucky egg)

  • Players had to claim a reward (Reward: 3000 experience points)
  • Players had to claim a reward (Reward: 3000 experience points)
  • Players had to claim a reward (Reward: 3000 experience points)

2) Celebi (A Ripple in Time in Pokemon GO)


This mythical Pokemon was introduced to players in Pokemon GO through a special Research Task called "A Ripple in Time" in July 2021. Players had to complete eight steps in this particular research task, and upon completion, they encountered a normal version of Celebi.

A shiny variant of this creature is available in the game; however, that was available through a Timed Research before this.

Listed below are the 8 steps that were required to be completed before players could encounter Celebi:


Special Research Step 1/8: (Reward: 10 normal Pokeballs, 1 Fast TM, and 1 incubator)

  • Players had to power up a Pokemon five times (Reward: 1000 experience points)
  • Players had to battle in a gym twice (Reward: 1000 experience points)
  • Players had to battle in a raid (Reward: 1000 experience points)

Special Research Step 2/8: (Reward: 1 Sun Stone, 1500 stardust, and 1 Premium Raid Pass)

  • Players had to make three new friends (Reward: 1500 experience points)
  • Players had to catch a Pokemon three days in a row (Reward: 1500 experience points)
  • Players had to evolve an evolved Grass-type Pokemon (Reward: 1500 experience points)

Special Research Step 3/8: (Reward: an encounter with Eevee, 1 King’s Rock, and 1 Premium Raid Pass)

  • Players had to reach level 25 (Reward: 2000 experience points)
  • Players had to use a Sun Stone to evolve Gloom or Sunkern (Reward: 2000 experience points)
  • Players had to hatch nine eggs (Reward: 2000 experience points)

Special Research Step 4/8: (Reward: an encounter with Eevee, 2500 stardust, and 1 Metal Coat)

  • Players had to walk 10 km with Eevee as their buddy (Reward: 2500 experience points)
  • Players had to evolve Eevee into Espeon during the day (Reward: 2500 experience points)
  • Players had to send 20 gifts to friends (Reward: 2500 experience points)

Special Research Step 5/8: (Reward: 1 star piece and 15 Pinap berries)

  • Players had to walk 10 km with Eevee as their buddy (Reward: 3000 experience points)
  • Players had to evolve Eevee into Umbreon at night (Reward: 3000 experience points)
  • Players had to trade a Pokemon (Reward: 3000 experience points)

Special Research Step 6/8: (Reward: 3500 stardust, 1 Dragon Scale, and 5 Silver Pinap berries)

  • Players had to visit Pokestops for 7 days in a row (Reward: 3500 experience points)
  • Players had to use 25 Pinap berries while catching Pokemon (Reward: 3500 experience points)
  • Players had to use special evolution items to evolve Pokemon twice (Reward: 3500 experience points)

Special Research Step 7/8: (Reward: 1 Charge TM, 10 Silver Pinap berries, and an encounter with Celebi)

  • Players had to catch 40 Grass- or Psychic-type Pokemon (Reward: 4000 experience points)
  • Players had to make an Excellent + Curveball throw (Reward: 4000 experience points)
  • Players had to earn a Gold Johto medal (Reward: 4000 experience points)

Special Research Step 8/8: (Reward: 5500 stardust, 1 Super Incubator, and 20 Celebi candies)

  • Players had to claim a reward (Reward: 4500 experience points)
  • Players had to claim a reward (Reward: 4500 experience points)
  • Players had to claim a reward (Reward: 4500 experience points)

In Pokemon GO, trainers were able to encounter a Mew only once in July 2021, when it was introduced in a Special Research Task called "A Mythical Discovery." This research, like Celebi’s, had eight steps, and upon completion, players would encounter a normal version of Mew.

3) Mew (for Kanto Tour participants in Pokemon GO)


Mew is available in the shiny variant but in another Special Research Task exclusive to Kanto Tour ticket holders.

Listed below are the 8 steps that were required to be completed before players could encounter Mew:

Special Research Step 1/8: (Reward: 10 great balls, 1 incubator, and 3 Lure modules)

  • Players had to spin 5 Pokestops (Reward: 500 experience points)
  • Players had to catch 10 Pokemon (Reward: 500 experience points)
  • Players had to transfer 5 Pokemon (Reward: 500 experience points)

Special Research Step 2/8: (Reward: 2000 stardust, 3 Incenses, and 20 great balls)

  • Players had to earn 2 candies while walking with their buddy (Reward: 1000 experience points)
  • Players had to make 10 great throws (Reward: 1000 experience points)
  • Players had to hatch 3 eggs (Reward: 1000 experience points)

Special Research Step 3/8: (Reward: 1 Fast TM, 1 Charge TM, and 2 Star pieces)

  • Players had to reach trainer level 15 (Reward: 1500 experience points)
  • Players had to battle in two raids (Reward: 1500 experience points)
  • Battle in a gym two times (Reward: 1500 experience points)

Special Research Step 4/8: (Reward: 4000 stardust, 3 Lure modules, and 20 great balls)

  • Players had to earn the Kanto Silver Medal (Reward: 2000 experience points)
  • Players had to evolve 20 Pokemon (Reward: 2000 experience points)
  • Players had to earn 5 candies while walking with their buddy (Reward: 2000 experience points)

Special Research Step 5/8: (Reward: 1 Premium Raid Pass, 1 Lucky Egg, and 15 revives)

  • Players had to catch a Ditto (Reward: 2500 experience points)
  • Players had to catch 10 Ghost-type Pokemon (Reward: 2500 experience points)
  • Players had to make 20 great throws (Reward: 2500 experience points)

Special Research Step 6/8: (Reward: 6000 stardust, 5 Rare candies, and 3 Incenses)

  • Players had to reach trainer level 25 (Reward: 3000 experience points)
  • Players had to evolve a Magikarp (Reward: 3000 experience points)
  • Players had to battle in 10 raids (Reward: 3000 experience points)

Special Research Step 7/8: (Reward: 8000 stardust, 5 great balls, and an encounter with Mew)

  • Players had to catch 50 Pokemon using a berry (Reward: 3500 experience points)
  • Players had to earn a Kanto Gold medal (Reward: 3500 experience points)
  • Players had to make an Excellent + Curve-ball throw (Reward: 3500 experience points)

Special Research Step 8/8: (Reward: 10,000 stardust, 1 Super Incubator, and 20 Mew candies)

  • Players had to claim their reward (Reward: 4000 experience points)
  • Players had to claim their reward (Reward: 4000 experience points)
  • Players had to claim their reward (Reward: 4000 experience points)

4) Zarude (Search for Zarude in Pokemon GO)


Zarude is a mythical beast and was introduced to the trainers in Pokemon GO in October 2021 through a Special Research Task called "Search for Zarude!"

The five steps involved in the research were as follows:

Special Research Step 1/5: (Reward: 250 stardust, 10 Nanab berries, and an encounter with Drilbur)

  • Players had to catch seven different species of Pokemon (Reward: 1 Sun Stone)
  • Players had to catch 7 Pokemon (Reward: an encounter with Diglett)
  • Players had to take 3 snapshots of wild Ground-type Pokemon (Reward: 15 Pokeballs)

Special Research Step 2/5: (Reward: 250 stardust, 10 Razz berries, and an encounter with Combee)

  • Players had to make five Great throws in a row (Reward: five Pinap berries)
  • Players had to catch 10 Bug-type Pokemon (Reward: an encounter with Dwebble)
  • Players had to take 3 snapshots of wild Bug-type Pokemon (Reward: 10 Great balls)

Special Research Step 3/5: (Reward: 500 stardust, 10 Pinap berries, and an encounter with Nuzleaf)

  • Players had to use 20 berries to help catch Pokemon (Reward: an encounter with sunny Cherrim)
  • Players had to catch 30 Grass- or Bug-type Pokemon (Reward: an encounter with Vileplume)
  • Players had to take 3 snapshots of wild Grass-type Pokemon (Reward: 10 Great balls)

Special Research Step 4/5: (Reward: 500 stardust, 1 Poffin, an encounter with Rufflet)

  • Players had to defeat six Team GO Rocket grunts (Reward: an encounter with Ariados)
  • Players had to catch 15 weather-boosted Pokemon (Reward: an encounter with Butterfree)
  • Players had to take 3 snapshots of wild Flying-type Pokemon (Reward: 10 Ultra balls)

Special Research Step 5/5: (Reward: an encounter with Zarude in Pokemon GO, 10 Zarude candies, and 1000 stardust)

  • Players had to claim a reward (Reward: 1000 experience points)
  • Players had to claim a reward (Reward: 1000 experience points)
  • Players had to claim a reward (Reward: 1000 experience points)

5) Keldeo (Something Extraordinary in Pokemon GO)


This mythic creature was introduced to players in Pokemon GO through a paid Special Research Task called "Something Extraordinary." This research cost $7.99 and was a part of the "Mystic Blade" event. Keldeo debuted in December of 2022.

The players had to finish 7 steps, which are as follows:

Special Research Step 1/7: (Reward: 2 Rare candies, an encounter with Machoke in Pokemon GO, 2 Silver Pinap berries)

  • Players had to make 3 curveball throws (Reward: 500 stardust)
  • Players had to catch 10 Pokemon (Reward: an encounter with Oshawott in Pokemon GO)
  • Players had to take a snapshot of a wild Pokemon (Reward: 10 Great balls)

Special Research Step 2/7: (Reward: 2 Rare candies, an encounter with Breloom, 2 Silver Pinap berries)

  • Players had to battle a Team GO Rocket leader 3 times (Reward: 750 Stardust)
  • Players had to catch five different species of Pokemon (Reward: an encounter with Staryu)
  • Players had to power up Pokemon five times (Reward: 1 Charged TM)

Special Research Step 3/7: (Reward: 2 Rare candies, an encounter with Scraggy in Pokemon GO, 2 Silver Pinap berries)

  • Players had to battle in a raid (Reward: 1000 stardust)
  • Players had to catch five Fighting-type Pokemon (Reward: an encounter with Buizel in Pokemon GO)
  • Players had to evolve 5 Pokemon (Reward: 3 Egg Incubators)

Special Research Step 4/7: (Reward: 2 Rare candies, an encounter with Poliwrath in Pokemon GO, 2 Silver Pinap berries)

  • Players had to battle in the Go Battle League five times (Reward: 1250 stardust)
  • Players had to catch seven different species of Pokemon (Reward: an encounter with Marill in Pokemon GO)
  • Players had to use 5 berries to help catch Pokemon (Reward: 2 Incenses)

Special Research Step 5/7: (Reward: 2 Rare candies, an encounter with Keldeo in Pokemon GO, 2 Silver Pinap berries)

  • Players had to win a raid (Reward: 1500 stardust)
  • Players had to earn 5 hearts with their buddy (Reward: an encounter with Alomomola in Pokemon GO)
  • Players had to feed their buddy three times (Reward: 1 Fast TM)

Special Research Step 6/7: (Reward: 2 Rare candies, an encounter with Medicham in Pokemon GO, 2 Silver Pinap berries)

  • Players had to win in the Go Battle League (Reward: 1500 stardust)
  • Players had to catch 15 Fighting-type Pokemon (Reward: an encounter with Tympole in Pokemon GO)
  • Players had to make three Great throws in a row (Reward: two Super Incubators)

Special Research Step 7/7: (Reward: 2 Rare candies, 20 Keldeo candies, and a Keldeo t-shirt)

  • Players had to take three snapshots of Keldeo (Reward: an encounter with Tirtouga)
  • Players had to take a snapshot of a Grass-type Pokemon (Reward: 2000 stardust)
  • Players had to take a snapshot of a Steel-type Pokemon (Reward: 2000 stardust)
  • Players had to take a snapshot of a Rock-type Pokemon (Reward: 2000 stardust)

6) Jirachi (Wish Granted in Pokemon GO)


This mythical Pokemon was introduced in the game in February 2023, when it was acquired in Pokemon GO through a Masterwork Research called "Wish Granted." It was only available to players who bought the $4.99 ticket that gave them access to this particular research.

The player had to complete the following tasks to encounter a shiny Jirachi:

Masterwork Research Step 1/6: (Reward: 10 Kyogre candies, 10 Groudon candies, and 10 Rayquaza Candies)

  • Players had to catch 385 Pokemon from the Kanto region (Reward: 385 experience points)
  • Players had to catch 385 Pokemon from the Johto region (Reward: 385 experience points)
  • Players had to catch 385 Pokemon from the Hoenn region (Reward: 385 experience points)
  • Players had to get a Gold Hoenn medal (Reward: 30 Ultra balls)

Masterwork Research Step 2/6: (Reward: 3850 experience points and 3 Rare candies)

  • Players had to have 10 Best Buddies (Reward: 1 Poffin)
  • Players had to earn a heart with their buddy for 20 days in a row (Reward: 1 Poffin)

Masterwork Research Step 3/6: (Reward: 3850 experience points and 3 Rare candies)

  • Players had to catch 10 Kecleon (Reward: 1 Incense)
  • Players had to spin a Pokestop 20 days in a row (Reward: 1 Incense)

Masterwork Research Step 4/6: (Reward: 3850 experience points and 3 Rare candies)

  • Players had to obtain a Lucky Pokemon in a trade (Reward: 1 Lure Module)
  • Players had to make 385 Excellent throws (Reward: 1 Lucky Egg)

Masterwork Research Step 5/6: (Reward: 3850 experience points, an encounter with Jirachi in Pokemon GO, and 3850 stardust)

  • Players had to catch 1000 creatures in Pokemon GO (Reward: 1000 stardust)
  • Players had to catch a Pokemon seven days in a row (Reward: 7 Golden Razz berries)
  • Players had to reach level 40 in Pokemon GO (Reward: 4000 stardust)

Masterwork Research Step 6/6: (Reward: 3850 experience points, 20 Jirachi candies, and 3850 stardust)

  • Players had to claim a reward (Reward: 1 Star Piece)
  • Players had to claim a reward (Reward: 1 Lucky Egg)

7) Shiny Mew (All-in-One #151 in Pokemon GO)


This is one of the rarest creatures in Pokemon GO and was introduced to trainers in February 2021 through a Masterwork Task called "All-in-One #151". Only those trainers who had a Pokemon GO Tour: Kanto ticket were able to access this research.

Players had to complete the following four tasks to encounter a shiny Mew:

Masterwork Research Step 1/4: (Reward: 5100 experience points, 1 Premium Raid Pass, and 1510 stardust)

  • Players had to earn a platinum medal from the Kanto region in Pokemon GO (Reward: 51 Ultra balls)
  • Players had to give 151 gifts to their friends (Reward: 1 Poffin)
  • Players had to make 151 Great throws (Reward: 1510 stardust)

Masterwork Research Step 2/4: (Reward: 5100 experience points, 3 Rare candies, and 1510 stardust)

  • Players had to catch a Pokemon for 30 days in a row (Reward: 51 Ultra balls)
  • Players had to catch 151 different species of Pokemon (Reward: 1 Glacial Lure Module)
  • Players had to catch 30 Pokemon of each type that would be spread across 18 tasks in Pokemon GO (Reward: 151 experience points)

Masterwork Research Step 3/4: (Reward: 1 Star piece, 1 Lucky egg, and an encounter with a shiny Mew in Pokemon GO)

  • Players had to reach level 40 (Reward: 4000 stardust)
  • Players had to spin 151 Pokestops (Reward: 3 Rocket radars)
  • Players had to complete 151 Field Research Tasks (Reward: 3 Super Incubators)
  • Players had to catch 1510 Pokemon (Reward: 1 Incense)

Masterwork Research Step 4/4: (Reward: 3 Fast TM, 20 Mew candies, and a shiny Mew T-shirt)

  • Players had to claim their reward (Reward: 1510 stardust)
  • Players had to claim their reward (Reward: 1510 experience points)
  • Players had to claim their reward (Reward: 1510 stardust)

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Edited by Ritoban "Veloxi" Paul
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