Rhydon Pokémon

Last Modified Jun 30, 2021 12:06 GMT

Rhydon is a tough rhino Pokémon introduced in Gen I. It is one of the evolutions of Rhyhorn and it’s known as a powerful battler.


About Rhydon

Rhydon is the Drill Pokémon. It’s a Rock and Ground type Pokémon known for its strength and aggression. It inhabits grassy plains and arid deserts.

Rhydon’s National Pokédex number is 112.

First appearance in animePokémon: Indigo League (Season 1)
First appearance in gameGeneration 1 (Pokémon Green, Red, Blue, and Yellow)
Region Kanto
Evolution Rhyhorn → Rhydon → Rhyperior
Pokedex EntryProtected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit.

Rhydon Base stats



Rhydon is a bipedal rhinoceros Pokémon that stands 1.9 meters tall. It has a grey hide and a cream-colored belly. It is bulky and has strong legs and arms and a powerful tail. Its hands and feet are tipped with sharp claws. It has a wide snout with a drill horn on its nose, and it has a smaller horn on its head. It has crests behind each of its rounded, triangular ears, and it has downward-pointing protrusions from its upper jaw on each side of its face.

Shiny Rhydon trades its grey highlights for light brown.

The best moveset for Rhydon in Pokemon Red and Blue


Rhydon typically inhabits grassy plains but can also be found in deserts, lava fields, and even volcanoes. It’s a solitary Pokémon that prefers living in remote, dangerous terrain. Its tremendous strength allows it to destroy rocks and boulders with ease, and it can frequently be found excavating land up in the mountains. Rhydon is clever but also very forgetful: it can sometimes find a solution to a problem it has only to forget what it was doing in the first place!

Right On, Rhydon | Pokémon TV

Strengths and Weaknesses

Rhydon’s Rock and Ground typing gives it good defense against Normal, Fire, Flying, and Rock type moves, double resistance to Poison type moves, and immunity to Electric type moves. However, Rhydon is weak to Ice, Fighting, Ground, and Steel type moves and has a double weakness to Water and Grass type moves.

Rhydon’s high Attack and Defense make it a durable physical attacker.

Right On, Rhydon | Pokémon TV

Evolutions of Rhyhorn

Rhydon was introduced in Gen I as one of the evolutions of Rhyhorn. For multiple generations, Rhydon was the final form of Rhyhorn; however, in Gen IV, Rhyperior was added as an evolution of Rhydon. Rhyperior evolves by trading a Rhydon while it holds a Protector item. Since it’s only possible to evolve Rhydon by trading back and forth with a friend, it can be challenging to collect all of the evolutions of Rhyhorn while playing solo.

Wallpaper Rhyhorn Rhydon Rhyperior @evelyndenile | Pokemon, Pokemon art,  Cool pokemon cards

Best moveset (Rhydon)

Rhydon is a reliable Pokémon that can have a prominent place in competitive teams.

It’s important to consider Rhydon’s Nature and Ability when preparing for competitive battling.


Rhydon’s Lightning Rod ability draws all Electric type moves used during battle to Rhydon. The Electric type moves drawn this way do no damage to Rhydon and instead raise its Special Attack by one stage.

The best natures for Rhydon will boost its Attack and will hinder its Special Attack.

The following moveset, combined with good IVs, good EVs, a good Nature, and the right Ability, can make Rhydon a formidable Physical Wall.

Stealth RockEarthquake
Stone EdgeHeat Crash

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer.

How to catch Rhydon in Pokemon Go?

Is Rhydon in Pokémon Go?

The easiest way to catch Rhydon in Pokémon Go is to evolve Rhyhorn.

Players can also catch Rhydon in Pokémon Go by encountering it in the wild, battling it in raid battles, or finding it through special events.

Explainer Video


  1. Rhydon was the first Pokémon ever created during the development stages of the Pokémon franchise. Because of this, Rhydon is referenced by statues dotted throughout the Kanto Region.
  1. Rhydon, Rhyperior, Nidoqueen, and Nidoking all share the title of “Drill Pokémon.”
  1. Despite being a heavy, bulky Rock and Ground type Pokémon, Rhydon is known for its ability to learn many types of moves like Whirlpool, Surf, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Dragon Pulse.


Why is Rhydon the first Pokemon?

Ken Sugimori, the primary designer of Pokémon, has been quoted saying that Rhydon was the first Pokémon ever designed, even though it was placed towards the end of the original Pokédex.

Is Rhydon better than Nidoking?

Nidoking is better than Rhydon in most scenarios. It has much better typing with fewer weaknesses and a similar moveset, along with a better spread of stats. Nidoking excels as a mixed attacker with decent speed and durability.

Is Rhydon with Eviolite better than Rhyperior?

Rhyperior is a stronger attacker than Rhydon with Eviolite, and it can use a different item depending on the team strategy. Rhydon with Eviolite is more durable than Rhydon, and it can take advantage of a wider moveset and different potential abilities.


Rhydon is the oldest Pokémon of all time. This tough Rock and Ground type was one of the strongest Pokémon of the early generations, and it even received a powerful evolution in Gen IV! Add Rhydon to your team today!

Let’s Go, Rhydon!

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