Pokemon Scarlet and Violet received plenty of DLC announcements back in February, but the leaks and rumors surrounding them haven't ceased. Plenty of community members have attempted to cobble together additional information on the two-part DLC expansion before its release.
Another leak emerged on Twitter on March 22, 2023, but many have brought this particular rumor into question. Multiple users shared a screenshot of the alleged leak, which appeared to come from 4Chan based on the site and text format.
In the screenshot, an anonymous user states new Pokemon Ogerpon's type and how trainers can acquire the new Pocket Monsters seen in the trailer. They also talk about an alleged "wishing shrine" that allows players to obtain creatures and items using real-world money.
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Given the lack of context surrounding this post, many Pokemon fans have cast the rumor into doubt.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet fans discuss alleged DLC info leak

Though more than a few fans re-posted the screenshot, many other players called it out as a fake almost immediately. This likely has to do with the fact that the leak was reported by an anonymous user on 4Chan, a site known for a community that takes great pleasure in trolling others.
Additionally, 4Chan has been caught faking video game leaks in the past. The website falsified a main menu for a fourth Dark Souls title but made a mistake with the roman numerals, calling it "Dark Souls IIII".
The screenshot remarks that trainers would only be able to catch certain new Pokemon in the DLC depending on which starter they chose at the beginning of their Paldean adventure. In addition to this not making much sense on its face, it would be more sensible to limit these new species by the version of the game being played instead of the starter chosen at the beginning.
Another damning aspect of this leak is its lack of corroboration among the larger community. Prominent leakers like Riddler_Khu have been completely silent on the subject, and well-reputed reporting sites and aggregators like Serebii.net haven't addressed it either.
Put plainly, a screenshot on 4Chan is incredibly difficult to believe on its face, and the leak provides no sources to back up its claim. It features no datamined information and only has an image that can't be discerned particularly well, along with some dubious text.
This screenshot should remind fans that they should take all rumors or leaks with a heavy dose of skepticism. Any of the information provided making it into Scarlet and Violet's DLC would be a pretty significant surprise, especially the wishing shrine feature.
Though it'd be unwise to rule this rumor out completely, it simply doesn't meet the quality standard that fans are used to when it comes to being remotely believable. However, with so many leaks pouring out about the Generation IX games at all times, it can be tricky to parse the veracity of each individual case.
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