Seedot (Pokemon GO) - Best Movesets, Counters and Evolutions

Last Modified Oct 27, 2021 12:03 GMT

Introduced in generation three, with the Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire games, Seedot is a monotype grass Pokemon. It is the first stage in its three stage evolution line and evolves into Nuzleaf which eventually evolves into Shiftry. Seedot is classified by the Pokedex as the “Acorn Pokemon” which may be a nod to its general design. This guide will showcase Seedot’s capabilities in battle, its appearances in the anime, as well as other general facts about Seedot.

About Seedot

As a generation three Pokemon, Seedot first appeared in the Ruby and Sapphire season of the anime in the episode Seeing is Believing. In this episode, three Seedot appeared and were made happy by Professor Birch’s knowledge of Pokemon. Seedot is the first stage evolution of its three stage evolution line and it evolves into Nuzleaf once it reaches level 14, and Nuzleaf will evolve into Shiftry when a Leaf Stone is used. The Pokedex mentions that Seedot will hang from tree branches and suck moisture from the tree.

First appearance in animePokemon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire Seeing is Believing
First appearance in gamePokemon Ruby and Sapphire
Region Hoenn
Evolution Base evolution of Shiftry, evolves into Nuzleaf
1st Evo level14
2nd Evo levelEvolves when a Leaf Stone is used
Pokedex EntrySeedot attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of its head. It sucks moisture from the tree while hanging off the branch. The more water it drinks, the glossier this Pokémon's body becomes.

Seedot Base Stats



Seedot is a small brown Pokemon that seems to resemble an Acorn with small stubby feet. Most of its body is dark brown, but there are small yellow and black circles which resemble eyes. It has two yellow stubby feet at its base and the top of its head is like an acorn cap. The acorn cap slightly resembles a bandaged head but there does not seem to be any discernible mouth on Seedot’s body. Seedot is a small Pokemon at 1 foot and 8 inches, or 0.5 meters, tall.


Seedot seem to be social Pokemon as there are typically multiple of them showcased at a time. They tend to be mistaken for an acorn and can lead to a shock if an unsuspecting trainer picks one up. Seedot will hang from tree branches, sucking moisture from the branch to gain a glossier body. The Pokedex mentions that it will clean itself with leaves daily and has to avoid Pidgey as this bird Pokemon is its natural predator.

Strengths and Weaknesses

As the base evolution Pokemon of its evolution line, Seedot is not particularly powerful. Its physical defense is its most powerful stat, but the rest of its stats are mediocre at best. It requires a decent amount of investment before it becomes a powerful Pokemon. As a monotype grass Pokemon, Seedot takes 2x damage from flying, poison, bug, fire, and ice type moves. It has no immunities but is resistant against ground, water, grass, and electric type moves.

Best Moveset

As a base evolution Pokemon, Seedot is exclusively limited to the LC (Little Cup) bracket of competitive play. In this format, it only has to face other base evolution Pokemon, which can make Seedot’s performance seem much more impactful. It is typically used as an offensive Pokemon, trying to take advantage of Chlorophyll to double its speed. Consider running Growth, Solar Beam, Hidden Power Fire, and Explosion. Growth will give you a Swords Dance-like effect in the sun, Solar Beam benefits from STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus), Hidden Power Fire is for type coverage, and Explosion can ensure you at least get a one-for-one trade.

GrowthSolar Beam
Hidden Power FireExplosion

How to Catch Seedot in Pokemon Go?

If you would like to obtain a Seedot in Pokemon Go, there are a few different ways of doing so. As a base evolution Pokemon, it is fairly common to encounter in the wild. You can find Seedot spawning in the wild at a boosted rate near farmlands, forests, gardens, parks, and other grassy areas. Seedot can also be hatched from 5 km eggs but while Seedot itself has not appeared as a raid boss at Pokemon Gyms, you can find Nuzleaf as a tier three raid boss, and Shiftry as a tier four raid boss. You will need 25 candies to evolve Seedot into Nuzleaf, and another 100 to evolve Nuzleaf into Shiftry.


  1. Seedot shares many similarities to Lotad. Both are grass type Pokemon, both have three stage evolution lines, the first evolution of both Pokemon begins at level 14, and both require a Leaf Stone for its final evolution.
  2. The inspiration for Seedot’s design comes from an acorn.
  3. The name Seedot is a combination of the words seed and tot (a small child).


Is Seedot any good?

In competitive play, it is limited to the LC (Little Cup) bracket where it only has to face other base evolution Pokemon. A well built Seedot is capable of some impressive damage when the Sunny Day weather is in effect. However, it is strongest once it manages to evolve into Shiftry and there is little reason to keep it as a Seedot.

What Level does Seedot evolve?

Seedot will evolve into Nuzleaf once it reaches level 14 as there is no special condition to fulfill for this evolution and you will just need to reach the level threshold. For its final evolution, you will need to use a Leaf Stone. Once it begins to evolve, just allow the evolution animation to play without pressing the “B” button.

What Pokemon is effective against Seedot?

Since Seedot is a monotype grass Pokemon, you will want to avoid flying, poison, bug, fire, and ice type moves. You can keep Seedot in against ground, water, grass, and electric type moves and it can most often survive against the other types in the game. Seedot’s physical defense is stronger than its special defense so keep this in mind.


Congratulations, you now know just about everything there is to know about this “Acorn Pokemon”. While Seedot’s impact on competitive play is somewhat limited, it will eventually evolve into a much stronger Pokemon. The Chlorophyll ability is powerful and can help subvert some of the weaknesses of this Pokemon. Reserve a slot on your team for Seedot if you want a monotype grass Pokemon that does well in sunny weather.

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