Pokemon from the Alola region have finally come to Pokemon GO. Along with the first wave of Pokemon from Alola comes the region's pseudo-Legendary Pokemon, Kommo-o, and its two pre-evolved forms, Jangmo-o and Hakamo-o. However, many players have noticed a distinct lack of these Pokemon's shiny variants.
Pokemon of a different color than their original have been a staple part of the franchise even before they could be captured in the main series games. The pink Butterfree and the Crystal Onix are some of the most notable differently colored Pokemon in the franchise despite being seen before other Shiny Pokemon.
Niantic is notorious for keeping certain Shiny Pokemon away from their player base compared to the main series, where every Shiny Pokemon is available for every Pokemon in that game. Given the brand new appearance of these Pokemon, most users would think they could catch these rare variants as well.
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Pokemon GO's missing shinies: Jangmo-o

Not only can Jangmo-o and its evolutions not appear in their shiny variants, but a vast majority of the other Pokemon in the first wave of new Alolan arrivals also have their shiny variants missing in action. Out of the nine Pokemon that gamers can obtain out of eggs, through Raid Battles, or in the wild, only two can be found as shinies.
When it comes to new Pokemon and their shiny variants, Niantic is notoriously stingy. Previously unavailable shiny forms of various Pokemon are typically released through events and are usually the big driving force behind them. This has been a theme throughout Pokemon GO's lifespan.
For example, the Starter Pokemon from the Alola region, Rowlet, Popplio, and Litten, will most likely have their shiny forms saved for future Community Day events. Pikipek, the bird Pokemon of the region, will most likely have its shiny form added to coincide with a Flying-type themed event or a Spotlight Hour.
As far as Jangmo-o goes, no confirmed date for a release of its shiny variant has been announced. However, predictions can be made by looking at patterns Niantic has established.
Jangmo-o is the first form of a pseudo-Legendary Pokemon which means its shiny variant may be introduced through a Community Day event.
Looking at the other pseudo-Legendary Pokemon with their shiny variants available, they have all had them introduced through Community Day events except for Deino. Since Niantic still has to release the Deino and Goomy Community Days, it will likely be a long time before Jangmo-o's.
While it is disappointing for players looking forward to adding another Shiny Pokemon to their collection in Pokemon GO, this does not mean that the day will never arrive. It is most likely that they will have to wait until Jangmo-o's Community Day event before they can get their hands on its shiny variant.
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