In Pokemon GO, certain Pocket Monsters are restricted to appearing based on a trainer's location, and these creatures are typically known as regional exclusives. On top of being sought after for Pokedex completionists, more than a few regional exclusives also have solid battle applications in PvE and PvP and can be considered pretty strong compared to their counterparts.
While no regional exclusive in Pokemon GO would be considered a world-beater, trainers might be surprised at just how effective some regional 'mons can be in specific battle formats. Since this is the case, it doesn't hurt to rank the best regional exclusives for trainers to keep an eye out for in case they happen to be in the part of the world where these Pokemon appear.
Ranking the five strongest regional exclusives in Pokemon GO
5) Uxie

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The Lake Guardian found in the Asia-Pacific region, Uxie has surprisingly solid applications in Pokemon GO PvP thanks to its base Defense stat of 270, allowing it to wall out attackers in the Great and Ultra Leagues while dealing a little damage of its own. Trainers will need to account for its weaknesses as a Psychic-type Pokemon (Dark, Bug, and Ghost-type attacks), but those can be addressed easily.
With a solid team composed of a strong attacker and a safe switch Pokemon, Uxie can hold down the fort as an anchor and outlast opponents once their shields are exhausted.
4) Florges

Obtained by evolving the regional exclusive Flabebe (which can be found in different colors across different parts of the world) to the end of its evolutionary line, Florges is a very sturdy species in Pokemon GO with decent damage output. This makes Florges a solid pick in PvP, particularly in the Ultra and Master Leagues where its Combat Power (CP) isn't significantly limited.
With a base Defense of 244, a base Attack of 212, and a Fairy elemental type, Florges can be a bulky defender that can counter problematic Dragon-types while also having access to Grass-type moves that give it some play against Water-type picks in the meta.
3) Kartana

While it doesn't quite have the solid durability to make it viable in PvP, Kartana can be one of the best Grass and Steel-type attackers in Pokemon GO PvE, particularly in raids. This Ultra Beast is only found in the Northern Hemisphere and usually appears during events, but with a base Attack stat of 323 (making it the 16th highest Attack stat in the game), Kartana is worth finding and catching.
Trainers will likely have to raid and defeat Kartana to obtain it in GO, but once they've caught one, they have an incredibly powerful raid attacker that should serve them well.
2) Celesteela

An Ultra Beast available in Pokemon GO in the Southern Hemisphere (usually during events), Celesteela has very well-rounded base stats (207 Attack, 199 Defense, 219 Stamina) and a quality Flying/Steel type combination. This makes Celesteela a quality Ultra League pick, but it also has applications in the Master League to a degree as well.
Thanks to its combination of sturdiness and solid damage output, Celesteela can be an effective switch Pokemon. While it won't ever be confused for a top-tier PvP option, it's a reliable ally to have on a well-constructed PvP team.
1) Heracross

It might be crazy to think that a Pokemon that's partially Bug-type could be such a strong fighter, but that's exactly what Heracross is. Though it's typically only found in Central and South America, Heracross' base Attack stat of 234 makes it an established and capable attacker in PvE battles as well as all PvP Leagues, but mostly the Ultra and Master Leagues.
What's even better is that Heracross recently received its Mega Evolution form, amplifying its capabilities in PvE and rare Mega Evolution-friendly PvP formats like the Mega Master League.
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