Arlo is one of three Team Go Rocket leaders that players of Pokemon GO need to beat before they get a chance to battle the organization's head boss, Giovanni.
It can be challenging to battle Arlo and the other members of the trio, Sierra and Cliff, because the Pokemon they choose won't be entirely known to a trainer prior to the fight.
By learning all the potential Pokemon that Arlo can use, a player can go into battle against him feeling prepared. Here's how to defeat the Team GO Rocket leader.
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Related: The best counters for Cliff in Pokemon GO: June 2021
Note: This article reflects the personal opinion of the writer.
How to beat Arlo in battle in Pokemon GO

While Arlo's second and third choices could be one of multiple Pokemon, as of now, his first pick is locked in. The Bug/Poison-type, Venonat, makes for a pretty straightforward Pokemon to counter in battle.
Venonat is particularly weak against Fire, Flying, Psychic, and Rock-type moves. The following are the best Pocket Monsters to send out against Arlo's first choice:
Mewtwo - who knows the moves Psycho Cut and Psystrike
Chandelure - equipped with Fire Spin and Overheat
Rampardos - using fast move Smack Down and charged move Rock Slide
Manectric, Ursaring, or Crobat

After Arlo's Venonat has been defeated, trainers will need to be ready to face either his Manectric, Ursaring or Crobat.
When up against Manectric, use one of these counters:
- Garchomp that knows Mudshot and Earthquake
- Rhyperior equipped with Mud-Slap and Earthquake
- Mamoswine with the moves Mud-Slap and Bulldoze
If Arlo sends out Ursaring, battle it with:
- Lucario using Counter and Aura Sphere
- Conkeldurr that knows the moves Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Mewtwo wielding Psycho Cut and Focus Blast
Crobat will be taken care of easily by using:
- Rampardos with the moves Smack Down and Rock Slide
- Latios using Zen Headbutt and Psychic
- Raikou that knows Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
Scizor, Magnezone or Vileplume

Once Arlo's second Pokemon has been beaten, there's only one more to deal with before a player wins the fight. Arlo's last Pokemon can be Scizor, Magnezone, or Vileplume.
When up against Arlo's Scizor, use one of these Fire-type Pokemon:
- Blaziken that knows Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Heatran with the moves Fire Spin and Fire Blast
- Flareon equipped with Fire Spin and Overheat
The best counters to use against Arlo's Magnezone are:
- Excadrill using Mud-Slap and Earthquake
- Groudon that has Mud Shot and Earthquake in its arsenal
- Golurk wielding Mud-Slap and Earth Power
Vileplume won't stand a chance against:
- Reshiram equipped with Fire Fang and Overheat
- Ho-Oh that knows Incinerate and Brave Bird
- Metagross using the moves Zen Headbutt and Psychic
Players of Pokemon GO won't have any problems battling Team GO Rocket leader Arlo, as long as they know the right counters to bring along to the fight. Knowing the correct type-advantages will allow a trainer to counter and defeat all of Arlo's Pokemon.
Also Read: How to beat Giovanni in Pokemon GO in June 2021
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