Cacturne could end up being a surprise weapon for Pokemon GO trainers. It is the evolution of Cacnea, a Pokemon that roams around the desert in the Hoenn region.
Seeing that Cacturne is Grass and Dark-type, it’s hard not to compare it to Shiftry. Zarude has also recently been added to the game with the same typing. Cacturne is often considered the worst of these three, but with 221 base Attack, it can still win a match or two.
Which moves should trainers be teaching the Generation III Pokemon Cacturne?
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The quick move that every trainer will want to go with for Cacturne is Sucker Punch. At base level, it seems that Sucker Punch and Poison Jab do the same thing (similar damage, both last one second, both charge 7-8 energy).
While Poison Jab appears to be more powerful initially, Sucker Punch does more damage after STAB is taken into account, and this makes it the preferred move.
Luckily, Cacturne gets access to Grass Knot, one of the best Grass-type charge moves in the game. Statistically, it’s like a Grass-type Dynamic Punch; a 90 base power move that only needs half of the energy bar to use.
It’s a shame that Cacturne doesn’t have a decent Grass-type quick move because of this. If Cacturne could combo something like Razor Leaf with Grass Knot, it would become quite an impressive Grass-type raid boss killer.

Cacturn is able to learn Dynamic Punch as well. Most Cacturne sets, however, won’t be making use of the move. Dynamic Punch is really only powerful if being used by a Fighting-type Pokemon, and Cacturn has a similar option in the form of Grass Knot.
Instead, Cacturne should probably be running Dark Pulse. With 80 base power and an energy cost of half the bar, Dark Pulse is on par with Shadow Ball. Payback seems like a tempting option since it only requires 60 energy in PvP, but Dark Pulse is the better option.
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