Any trainers looking for a strong hyper-offensive Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl might want to take a look at Electivire.
Before Generation IV, Electabuzz could not evolve. As a Pokemon, it was somewhat underwhelming with a limited movepool. It shot up in popularity when it received its new evolution in Electivre. This Pokemon doesn’t really have any fancy set up or status moves. It’s just built around dealing damage at all times.
Which moves work best on this Electric-type Pokemon?
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Given that it doesn’t learn any set up, this moveset simply has the best damage dealing moves Electivire can learn. The set works well with a Choice Band or Life Orb to bump up its damage output.
- Wild Charge
- Low Kick
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
Since Electivire is a physical attacker, it needs a strong physical Electric-type move. Wild Charge has 90 base power, which makes it much better than Thunderpunch despite the former having recoil damage. This move will shred bulky Water-type and Flying-type Pokemon.

Low Kick may seem like an odd selection, since it’s reliant on opposing Pokemon being heavy. It turns out that many powerful Pokemon are on the heavier side, so Electivre gets a lot of mileage out of Low Kick. It can one-hit-KO threats like Tyranitar and Heatran.
Earthquake is Electivire’s way of dealing with opposing Electric-types. Magnezone, Intimidate Luxray, and even other Electivires love to switch in on this Pokemon, but Earthquake destroys all of them. It also hits most everything else for tons of neutral damage.
The other big threat to all Electric-types, Electivire included, is Ground-type Pokemon. Ice Punch is Electivire’s best way of dealing with these threats. Granted, it won’t one hit KO a Hippowdon from full HP, but it can at least do loads of damage to most Ground-types. Ice Punch in particular is a great tool to use against Gliscor, who is 4x weak to Ice.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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