With its strong Attack stat, Unfesant actually ends up with a high damage output in Pokemon GO.
Unfesant is the final evolution of Pidove, the early game bird from Generation V. Compared to other early game birds (Noctowl, Swellow, etc.), Unfesant’s 226 Attack is very competitive. It definitely counts as a glass cannon, but Unfesant can chip away at opponents with strong Flying-type moves.
Which move should this Pokemon from Unova be running?
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Unfesant wants to run Air Slash as a quick move. It is a tad bit slow, unfortunately (1.5 seconds in PvP.). This is hardly a setback, though, for a move that does 14 damage plus STAB and charges 10 energy whenever it’s used.
Air Slash only does 9 damage in PvP, but this is still optimal in comparison to Unfesant’s other quick move, Steel Wing. This Pokemon will never be used as a Fairy counter, so Steel Wing doesn’t do it much favor. Also, 7 damage and 5 energy in PvP isn’t necessarily cutting it.
Unfesant definitely has one of the better charge moves in Sky Attack. When paired with Air Slash, Unfesant can take down some Raid bosses in quick time.

Looking at the raid counters for Heracross, who is double weak to flying, Unfesant ranks 18th. That’s ahead of Togekiss, Yanmega and Shadow Dragonite.
Sky Attack also has great base power (80) with a great energy cost (50%). This makes it similar to Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse, the two other awesome charge moves.
Picking a second charge move for Unfesant can be rough since both of them (Hyper Beam and Heat Wave) require a full bar of energy. Since Hyper Beam hits nothing for super effective, Heat Wave will be the move of choice.
Heat Wave costs 5 less energy in PvP. At base 95 power, it will put a dent in opposing Pokemon that resist Sky Attack. It also helps Unfesant deal with one of its biggest annoyances: Steel.
Steel-types resist Unfesant’s Flying moves, but they don’t necessarily hit back for super effective. This means that in some matchups against Steel-types (Skarmory, for instance), Unfesant can charge up Heat Wave and end up scoring the KO.
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