Walrein joins the ranks of a long list of bulky Water-types in Pokemon GO.
With a Stamina stat of 242, Walrein will certainly soak up lots of damage before it goes down. Traditionally, it has lagged behind Lapras as a strong Water-type and Ice-type. This is likely due to the slow energy gain Walrein has, but this issue might be fixed after the Spheal Community Day in Januarry 2022.
Which moves should this Generation III Pokemon be using?
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Walrein, at least at the moment, struggles with charging energy since neither of its fast moves have high EPS. Frost Breath only charges 5 energy per use in PvP, and although Waterfall charges 8 energy, it takes 1.5 seconds to use.
Given these statistics, Waterfall ever so slightly edges out Frost Breath in terms of DPS and EPS. This really only applies to PvP, though. In Raids, Walrein should be running Frost Breath to pair with Blizzard, since it will do way more damage than Waterfall and Water Pulse.
After the Spheal Community Day, though, the unequivocal pick for Walrein’s fast move should be Powder Snow. This move charges a whole 15 EPS in Raids and 8 EPS in PvP.
As for charge moves, Water Pulse is currently a staple pick since it has the lowest energy cost. It only needs half of the bar to use in PvE, and it costs 60 energy in PvP.

Figuring out which secondary charge move to pair it with, though, is a struggle for Walrein. It really wants to run Earthquake, since it smashes most Pokemon’s health bars and can patch up Walrein’s weakness to Electric-type Pokemon.
In a PvP setting, though, it would prefer the coverage from Blizzard. In Great League, Blizzard hits Pokemon like Altaria and Togekiss, while in Ultra League Blizzard is needed for Giratina, Dragonite and other Dragon-type Pokemon.
Blizzard also has a huge energy cost (75), but this sad situation will also change for Walrein after Spheal’s Community Day. Walrein will be getting access to Icicle Spear, a move whose stats aren’t fully revealed yet.
Two things have been confirmed about this move, though: it will have 60 base power, and it will be low energy. This will be the tool Walrein needs to drop Water Pulse, have its Ice coverage, and still be able to run Earthquake.
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