Nuzlockes are a way for trainers to challenge themselves in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
When the game is beaten, many Pokemon trainers opt to restart with a Nuzlocke challenge. It puts a set of rules together, and trainers must abide by those rules to maintain the integrity of the Nuzlocke.
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For Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, several Nuzlocks are in effect or have been completed with the most recent game. That is all thanks to those trainers selecting Chimchar.
Chimchar is the best starter for a Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Nuzlocke

Chimchar is the Fire-type starter Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Eventually, it will evolve into Monferno, followed by Infernape. It, hands down, needs to be your starter for a Nuzlocke challenge.
The first reason is that very few Fire-types are available in the Sinnoh Dex. Infernape is much better than Rapidash and Houndoom if you can get one through the Grand Underground, depending on your rules.
In a typical Nuzlocke, trainers only get to catch the first Pokemon they encounter in a certain area. If a Pokemon faints in battle, they are considered dead and must be left on the PC or even released.
Since Fire-types are so rare, you may never be able to catch another one at all. In comparison, there are several Grass-type and Water-type Pokemon available in the Sinnoh region.
The Gym Leaders and Elite Four battles will benefit from having a Fire-type or a Fire/Fighting-type in your corner, too. Chimchar learns Power Up Punch at level 12, which will help greatly with the first Gym.
Chimchar and its evolutions will help take out Rock-types, then the Grass-types of the second Gym, Lucario in the third Gym, Steel-types of Gym six, Ice-types from Snowpoint, Aaron of the Elite Four, and a few of Cynthia's Pokemon.
It is super important to understand the rules of the Nuzlocke and abide by them throughout the entire Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl playthrough. Then, and only then, will Chimchar be your savior.
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