Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are being released soon, making now a great time to plan out which op trainers should catch to make it through the Sinnoh League.
Among many other things, Generation IV is known for introducing some of the most broken Pokemon in history. Even today, players are using Lucario and Garchop to overpower enemies regularly.
Each trainer plays the game differently, though. Some don’t use trade evolutions, and others don’t use event Pokemon, etc. This team is simply the best Pokemon a trainer can use to beat the game, regardless of how they’re caught.
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Which Pokemon should trainers use in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl?
Every trainer’s first big decision in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is which starter they choose. The Sinnoh region is notorious for lacking fire-types, though, making Chimchar the best choice here.
Chimchar’s evolution, Infernape, has a unique Fighting and Fire-type combination that’s effective through most of the game. It destroys Gardenia, Byron, Candice, and Elite Four member Aaron. Very few Pokemon can take a couple of Close Combats or Flare Blitzes.
After grabbing Chimchar, users should look for a Starly outside of Twinleaf Town. Its evolution, Staraptor, is both fast and deadly. It can learn Close Combat in addition to strong Flying moves like Brave Bird. Staraptor also happens to have great matchups against Darlene and Fantina.
When players get to Jubilife City, they should look in the grass beyond to find a Budew. This Pokemon evolves into Roserade, a powerful Pokemon with great tools like Petal Dance and Sludge Bomb. Roserade also counters Wake’s Water-type Gym, which would be very difficult for Infernape and Staraptor to beat by themselves.
Next, gamers are going to want to look in front of Hearthhome Coty for a Ralts. When this Pokemon evolves into Gardevoir, it can simply flatten opponents. Gardevoir is primarily necessary in this team for the Elite Four.

Lucien, the final member of the Elite Four, is a Psychic-type specialist. As a result, there are several Pokemon that Gardevoir can Calm Mind in front of. After a few Calm Minds, Gardevoir can Shadow Ball the rest of the team for an easy win, as well as Moomblasting Cynthia’s Spiritomb.
The fifth Pokemon on this team should be Gyarados. The Water dragon is always a menace, but it’s particularly significant in the Sinnoh region. Anyone who’s played Generation IV before knows how powerful Cynthia’s Garchomp is. Gyarados can Intimidate Garchomp, lower its Attack, Dragon Dance, and then Ice Fang for the KO.
Gyarados also practically beats the middle two Elite Four members (Bertha and Flint) by itself.
Rounding out the team is a Pokemon so powerful that it’s hard to ignore. Players who specifically get Pokemon Brilliant Diamond will be able to catch Dialga, a wondrous beast of a Pokemon. Not every Dragon can counter Fairies, but Dialga can with its Steel-typing. It also can drop two of the strongest moves in the game: Draco Meteor and Roar of Time.
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