Sceptile is the often forgotten starter of the Hoenn region in Pokemon. While it's Fire and Water counterparts are more popular and arguably stronger, the Grass starter from Generation III is no slouch.
While its move pool isn't as expansive as Blaziken's and its resistances don't stack up like Swampert, Sceptile is a terrific Pokemon. However, since so many players choose either Mudkip or Torchic in Generation III, there's some confusion as to what's the best team to surround Sceptile with.
For this best team article, we've decided to go with Pokemon Emerald, as it offers the most choices and variety.
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Best team for Pokemon Emerald with Sceptile
#5 - Gardevoir

Easily the most popular Psychic Pokemon in Generation III, and perhaps ever, Gardevoir has to make any Hoenn team. Its move pool is expansive as it gets and it features stats that will carry you through the game. No matter what types of Pokemon you leave off your team, Gardevoir can fill that void with many different moves.
#4 - Ninetales

The defacto Fire type in Pokemon Emerald, Ninetales is one of your only solid options if you go with Sceptile. While Torkoal is another choice, Ninetales features a wider move pool and more balanced stats. Torkoal is great if you need a slow-moving defensive Pokemon but Ninetales has the whole package.
#3 - Hariyama

One of the most underrated Pokemon in the Pokedex is Hariyama. At first glance, the Makuhita line doesn't seem to impress, as it's just another pure Fighting-type in the early game. However, Hariyama helps throughout the entirety of Hoenn and can sweep the Elite 4 with the right move pool.
#2 - Milotic

Actually getting a Milotic is extremely difficult but it's oh so worth it. Finding a Feebas is one of the toughest challenges in Pokemon history but once you manage to find one, your Water Pokemon needs are over. Milotic is a fantastic choice for your team and can be both a Water and Ice tank. You just need to find a Feebas first.
#1 - Salamence

Was there really a doubt as to who would get the top spot? Salamence is Hoenn's premier Dragon-type and is an excellent Flying-type as well. While you might need a Swellow in the early part of Pokemon Emerald, once you evolve Shelgon at level 50, your team is truly complete. There's not a better non-Legendary Pokemon you can acquire before the Elite 4.
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