Kanto is the region that started it all, containing some of the most iconic Pokemon the franchise has ever seen.
In Kanto, trainers were able to snag a Pikachu, battle with an Arcanine, or hunt down the Legendary Bird trio consisting of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. It was an amazing start to the Pokemon franchise.
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Eventually, Pokemon moved to several other regions, throughout a total of eight generations at this point in time. Since the beginning of Kanto, only three evolutionary lines have been found in every single regional Pokedex.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer.
The top 3 Pokemon from Kanto who have appeared in every regional Pokedex
3) Golduck

Psyduck and its evolution Golduck have been in all of the regional Pokedex. Naturally, Golduck is a much more powerful Pokemon than Psyduck. That's how it goes with evolutions, after all.
Even though Psyduck is popular due to its appearance in the anime, Golduck can be a formidable partner with the correct training. It has balanced stats, with a base total of 500. That's similar to the likes of Gengar and Scizor.
2) Magneton

Magnemite and its evolution, Magneton, are also found in every other region of the Pokemon franchise. In Kanto, it was a pure Electric-type, but gained an additional Steel-typing in Generation III.
Magneton is a strong battler with a 120 base Special Attack. Eventually, an evolution in the form of Magnezone was added. That gave trainers something else to look forward to after they captured one or evolved their Magnemite.
1) Golbat

No matter how annoying Zubat and Golbat can be throughout the various cave systems in the Pokemon universe, they are some of the best Flying-types you can come across.
Golbat is super fast with a base of 90 and evolves into the even speedier Crobat, that was introduced in Generation II. Just having a Poison-type Pokemon, who is also a Flying-type with an immunity to Ground attacks, is more than enough to put it at the top of this list.
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