There are many factors players must consider when constructing their battle team for Pokemon GO. Things like balancing the team's stats as well as the typing among the team members must also be considered. Having frail Pokemon of a single type will not get players very far in the Battle League.
The Electric typing has been a staple since the series' very beginning. With it being one of the typings to receive a legendary Pokemon in the first generation of the franchise, it is one many players look at fondly. Not to mention, the mascot of the series, Pikachu, is an Electric-type Pokemon.
When considering the right Electric-type Pokemon that best fits the team, knowing which ones perform better than the rest can make the decision easier.
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To make this list more interesting, Shadow Pokemon and Legendaries will not be included as these are Pokemon that may no longer be available in the game or are only seasonal. Mega Evolutions will also not be included as these Pokemon cannot participate in the Battle League.
Pokemon GO's best Electric-type Pokemon
5) Jolteon

If the list was about value in terms of how much bang for your buck you get with Electric-type Pokemon, Jolteon would be at the top of the list without question.
Considering how it stacks with the rest of the Electric-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO while only costing 25 Eevee candy, a lot of players have Jolteon and have hardly even considered using it competitively. However, Jolteon is a little frail so players need to be cautious when using it.
4) Alolan Golem

Alolan Golem is incredibly bulky. This is a trait that not a lot of Electric-type Pokemon have. Electric-type Pokemon have the role in the main series of being fast and dealing a lot of damage.
Pokemon GO has a lot more of a trading economy when it comes to its battle system, with speed being fully dictated by the fast attack and how fast it recovers. Defensive Pokemon are incredibly valuable in Pokemon GO and Alolan Golem serves the role incredibly well.
Alolan Golem's weaknesses shine through due to the existence of Ground-type attacks. If an enemy is constantly dishing out attacks that Alolan Golem has a major weakness to, its defenses will be easily cleaved through.
3) Electivire

Electivire is just barely better than Alolan Golem in Pokemon GO and that is only because Electivire has a lot more variety in its moveset. Electivire has Low Kick in its fast movepool as well as Ice Punch and Flamethrower in its charged movepool.
Electivire also pulls ahead in part thanks to its small number of weaknesses. Electivire is a pure Electric-type, so it's only weak to Ground-type attacks.
2) Luxray

Luxray's diverse movepool and higher stamina are huge contributors to its position on this list. Due to the recent end of the Shinx Community Day in Pokemon GO, many players have Shiny Luxrays with its elite move, Psychic Fang.
Luxray's access to Hyper Beam and having better Electric-type attacks than Electivire puts it higher on the list.
1) Magnezone

Coming in at the number one spot is the Sheriff of Treasure Town itself, Magnezone. Like Alolan Golem, Magnezone has great defensive typing and great bulk, which gives it more wiggle room when it comes to where it fits on the team and how it can be used.
Instead of the weak Rock typing, Magnezone has the incredible secondary Steel typing. With a defense stat of 205, attack of 238, and a whopping 12 resistances, it should not surprise players that Magnezone takes the spot as the best common Electric-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO.
Pokemon GO has a lot of Electric-type Pokemon. Hopefully, with this compiled list, players can decide which Electric-type Pokemon works best with their current or future teams.
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