Legendary Pokemon are notorious for being hard to find and even harder to catch once they've been found.
Throughout the history of Pokemon, Legendary creatures have played an integral part in the formation of regions, the background of stories, and the forefronts of video game playthroughs.
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Once a trainer gets to the point in the game where they need find a Legendary Pokemon, they should have plenty of Poke Balls along with the strength to take down the opponent's HP. Thankfully, some are easier to catch than others in those circumstances.
The top 5 easiest to catch Legendary Pokemon
5) Zacian

With a Master Ball, any Pokemon is a guaranteed catch. What about without? Well, Zacian stands as one of the easiest to catch Legendary Pokemon. The lower the catch rate, the harder it is to keep it in a Poke Ball. Zacian has a 10 catch rate, which is higher than a few other Legendary creatures.
4) Zamazenta

Zamazenta also has a catch rate of 10. The reason it ranks above its counterpart, Zacian, is because it has several more weaknesses. Its Hero of Many Battles form is weak against Flying, Psychic, and Fairy-type attacks.
Meanwhile, its Crowned Shield form is weak to Fighting, Ground, and Fire-types. That makes the 10 catch rate easier because of the various methods there are for countering it.
3) Xerneas

The X and Y games are known for being quite easy compared to others. So naturally, the Legendary Pokemon from those games are much easier to catch than others.
Xerneas has a catch rate of 45. That's a common catch rate found among a lot of "normal" Pokemon.
2) Yveltal

Yveltal matches up to Xerneas the same way that Zamazenta does to Zacian. It has a 45 catch rate, too, but has more weaknesses.
It will feel supereffective damage from Pokemon using Rock, Electric, Ice, or Fairy-type moves against it. That makes it super easy to take down its health and catch it.
1) The Cosmog Evolutionary Line

Cosmog, Cosmoem, Lunala, and Solgaleo all fit in the number one spot here since they are all in the same evolutionary line. They each have a catch rate of 45 and can be found across two sets of games, originally anyway.
After one of these is evolved, players can even obtain another Cosmog at the Lake of Sunne or Lake of Moone. That makes this entire family of Pokemon easy to come across- however a player looks at it.
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