Champions in Pokemon are fun to rate, since they are supposed to be the peak difficulty in each game.
Of course, plenty of smart people have found cheesy ways to sweep through Champions' teams with little effort. On an average plathrough, though, where trainers just use a regular team with ordinary type coverage, these Champions can cause lots of headaches. That being said, though, some were definitely more difficult to beat than others.
Which Pokemon champions were the toughest to face?
5) Lance

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One might think beating Lance in Pokemon Gold and Silver is a lot easier than he is in practice. With all of the Flying-types and Dragon-types on his team, trainers often think 'just spam Ice and win.' The issue is that there are fewer opportunities to use Ice-types in the Johto region.
Before it was able to evolve into Mamoswine, Piloswine was one of the only common Ice-types trainers could use. Outside of that, there were Dewgong, Cloyster, Jynx, and not much else. Also, using Water-types can be rough since one of Lance’s Dragonites can use Thunder. Even with Ice coverage, trainers will still need a strong gameplan for this Champion.
4) Leon

As opposed to having a theme, Pokemon Sword and Shield's Leon has a decent type coverage that makes it a little complicated to plan for. He also picks the starter with a type advantage to that of the players.
As a result, considerable preparation is usually necessary here. Dealing with Gigantamax Charizard alone can be rage worthy for some trainers.
3) Blue

Blue Champion has type coverage, too, but the threats on his team are a bit scarier than Leon’s. It’s really doubtful any trainer is going to get something that will outspeed Alakazam unless they grind often.
There are also flat-out fewer options in the Kanto region. Pokemon Sword and Shield players can buy DLC and pull up to Leon with Urshifu and Calyrex-Shadow.
2) Iris

Iris, from Pokemon Black and White, is another Dragon user, but her Championship team certainly account’s for Dragon’s weaknesses. Both her Hydreigon and Druddigon know Flamethrower for Steel-types and Ice-types.
Lapras and Aggron also patch up the Ice weakness quite well. It’s almost as though Iris saw Lance’s team and thought 'what if he just had some counters to Ice-types?'
1) Cynthia
The Sinnoh Elite Four can be one of the toughest parts of any game from the series, just because Cynthia causes so many resets. Of course, her level 66 Garchomp is usually the big obstacle in the way of most players of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Her team is so balanced, though, that it forces the player to be balanced as well. Countering Lucario, Roserade, and even Milotic usually requires lots of planning. Trainers might need to focus their entire team around this battle.
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