The Grand Underground is a great feature that is filled with rare creatures in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Trainers can access the Grand Underground and its several different biomes. In those biomes is a variety of Pokemon originally found in the Sinnoh region and elsewhere.
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There are so many Grand Underground exclusive Pokemon, but a few stand out over the rest. Trainers can catch some extremely powerful Pokemon in the Grand Underground of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Five amazing Pokemon to find in the Grand Underground of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
5) Swablu

Swablu can be found in the Spacious Cave biome of the Grand Underground. Of course, the majority of Pokemon you want to find in the Grand Underground are the powerful Dragon-types from the franchise.
Swablu will evolve into Altaria and provide trainers with a strong partner.
4) Growlithe

Growlithe evolves into Arcanine. Getting and evolving one should be a priority for those who are fans of the series from the beginning.
As one of the original 151, Arcanine is a mega-powerful Fire-type that can be used in competitive battling.
3) Dratini

Dratini evolves into Dragonair, who then evolves into Dragonite. The last Pokemon was the first pseudo-Legendary introduced in Pokemon.
Now, in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, trainers can get a Dratini and start the evolution process after acquiring the National Pokedex.
2) Shelgon

Shelgon is a Shining Pearl Grand Underground exclusive. Fans will know its final form as the mighty Salamence.
Getting a hold of this Dragon-type and fully evolving it will give trainers a creature with a massive 135 base Attack and 100 Speed.
1) Larvitar

Larvitar is the first form of the powerful Tyranitar, a Rock/Dark-type many trainers use on their competitive Pokemon battling teams. As a Brilliant Diamond Grand Underground exclusive, Larvitar should be caught as quickly as one can after the National Pokedex is obtained.
The power of its final form is too good to pass up.
Note: This article reflects the author's views.
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