Pokemon has been around long enough that eight generations of Pocket Monsters have been introduced to the franchise. Over time, many Pokemon have received bizarre, mystifying, and strange entries in the Pokedex.
Often a Pocket Monster's entry into the Pokedex will be puzzling to players of the core series games and fans of the anime. Information provided by the Pokedex has also had a hand in constructing the incredible world of Pokemon lore.
Here are the top five mons with the strangest entries in the Pokedex.
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Related: Top 5 strangely designed Legendary Pokemon
Note: This article reflects the personal opinion of the writer.
Top 5 Pokemon with the most bizarre Pokedex information
#5 - Drifloon

Drifloon begins the list of Pokemon with the strangest Pokedex entries. What could a Pocket Monster modeled after a children's toy have that is so bizarre about it?
In fact, Drifloon's balloon-based design is precisely what leads to its terrifying Pokedex entry.
In the HeartGold and SoulSilver games, Drifloon's Pokedex records inform a player that any child who mistakes the mon for an actual balloon is likely to end up missing it.
#4 - Spoink

Spoink may look like a charming and endearing Pokemon at first glance, but few are aware of the morbid fact contained in its Pokedex entries.
This pig-like Pokemon has more than earned its place on this list. Apparently, Spoink must continue to bounce on its tail at all times (even while sleeping) otherwise its heart will stop, and the mon will die. That's pretty horrifying stuff for information that can be found in games often played by children.
#3 - Ninetales

Ninetales has always been seen as an astoundingly beautiful Pokemon, though many fans may not realize just how mysterious this mon's lore is in the Pokedex.
Two of the most fascinating entries for Ninetales inform a Pokemon trainer that the Pocket Monster is thought to have lived for 1,000 years and that it will lay a curse for that duration on anyone who pulls one of its tails.
An even more interesting entry tells a story about the origins of Ninetales. Long ago, nine sages (or in some versions, wizards) with incredible powers were reincarnated as the Pokemon Ninetales. This is likely where the mon gets its design and name.
#2 - Cacturne

Cacturne has claimed the #2 spot on this list of Pokemon with the most peculiar Pokedex records.
This Generation III Pokemon is a dual Grass/Dark-type, and rightfully so with the dark entry it has in the Pokedex.
Humans may have more to fear from Cacturne than most other Pocket Monsters running wild in the world. This mon's file in the Pokedex mentions that it awaits for travelers in desert biomes to stop moving from exhaustion before making them its prey.
In other words, trainers with a Cacturne should probably put an extra lock on the Pokemon's pokeball at night.
#1 - Drowzee

Drowzee's Pokedex entries may not discuss Pokemon hunting humans or stealing children like others on this list, but it still retains the strangest record of them all in the encyclopedia.
In the Ruby and Sapphire games, the Pokedex tells a player that if one's nose becomes itchy while sleeping, it's a sure sign that Drowzee is standing above their pillow and trying to eat their dream through their nostrils.
If that's not strange enough, another Pokedex entry for this Psychic-type informs that it remembers every dream it eats; but rarely feasts on the dreams of adults because childrens' are much tastier.
It's Pokedex records like Drowzee's that keep kids from playing Pokemon games too late at night.
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