Psychic-type Pokemon have long been popular in Pokemon GO and the mainline series. This is largely due to their powerful special attacks and their ability to defeat Fighting-types quickly.
Like with any elemental type, it's important for trainers to know Psychic-type weaknesses in case they encounter the Pokemon type in battle.
For Psychic-type Pokemon with no additional types, trainers should utilize Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type moves and Pokemon. Matching a Pokemon's type with a move of the same type will deal even more damage thanks to the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB).
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Best counters to defeat Psychic-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO
5) Gengar

Gengar is a favored Pokemon when taking on Psychic-types in PvE and Pokemon GO's Ultra League battles. However, it can be a double-edged sword at times.
Gengar has great moves and can hammer away at opponents with its Ghost-type arsenal, but it doesn't last long due to its health and defense. Fortunately, as long as its stats and CP are high, Gengar is an excellent counter to any standard Psychic-type Pokemon.
It is important to note that Gengar's secondary Poison typing makes it vulnerable to the very Pokemon it can counter effectively. Players should be wary of using it against certain Psychic-types with high attack power, as well as Ground, Dark, and other Ghost-type Pokemon.
4) Chandelure

A high-attack Ghost/Fire-type Pokemon, Chandelure is the final evolution of Litwick and Lampent.
With such high attack capabilities in Pokemon GO, Chandelure can devastate Psychic-type Pokemon with moves like Shadow Ball and Hex in both PvE and PvP.
Although Chandelure's relative lack of durability keeps it from being top tier in Pokemon GO's Battle League, it is hands-down one of the best attackers in all PvE environments. Chandelure can be something of a glass cannon at times, but it can wipe out enemy Psychic-types in a few short attacks.
3) Unbound Hoopa

Hoopa's Unbound form is a Dark/Psychic-type Pokemon that performs well, particularly in PvE battles in Pokemon GO. It doesn't perform as well in PvP battles, but its collection of learnable moves is solid. Furthermore, its type combination protects it from Psychic-type Pokemon attacks in most situations.
However, due to its typing, Unbound Hoopa has an incredibly weak spot when facing Bug-type Pokemon and moves. The good news is that as long as it's used against Psychic-types in Pokemon GO, Unbound Hoopa should be in great shape.
2) Origin Giratina

A beloved Pokemon in Pokemon GO's Ultra and Master League PvP, Origin Form Giratina is a Legendary Ghost/Dragon-type Pokemon that can obliterate Psychic-types in seconds.
This form of Giratina has long stood atop the PvP meta, and that's largely due to its overwhelming power, especially against its chosen counters.
Since it is a partial Dragon-type, Origin Giratina isn't weak to Psychic-type attacks like many Ghost-types. If trainers have this Pokemon available, it would be a waste not to unleash it.
1) Darkrai

Darkrai is likely the most powerful counter to Psychic-type Pokemon that isn't a Mega Evolution. It is one of the most powerful Dark-type Pokemon in all of Pokemon GO.
Darkrai's status as a Legendary Pokemon means it has impressive stats. Its combination of Dark and Ghost-type moves can one-shot many Psychic-type Pokemon that can't measure up in stats and CP. It has a high-tier ranking in PvE battles and is a consistent contender in Master League PvP.
Darkrai can be an absolute nightmare for both Psychic and Ghost-type Pokemon, and trainers should utilize its combat potential to the fullest as a counter.
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