Catching Pokemon has become more important than ever in Legends: Arceus.
Typically, trainers can get through the majority of the game with a strong team of six. After acquiring a stacked team filled with the likes of Garchomp and Zapdos, it’s hard to find a reason to catch another team member. In this new title, though, trainers will always have to keep catching and adding to that Pokedex.
How can trainers improve their chances at catching Pokemon?
5) Use Surroundings

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Stealth is more important in this game than in any other in the franchise. Fortunately, the land of Hisui has plenty of hills, mounds, mountains, trees, rocks, boulders and other obstructions that a sneaky player can hide behind. Using these objects to stay hidden is a great way to avoid being spotted by wild targets.
4) Use different balls

In all honesty, the Poke Balls are enough to get players through most of the early game. After one gets past Obsidian Fieldlands, though, Pokemon become much tougher to catch.
This is why it’s important to pay attention to the recipes for Feather Balls, Great Balls, Heavy Balls, etc. since they all have their advantages. Feather Balls can snipe targets from far away, where as Heavy Balls have high success rates if the trainer is right behind the target.
3) Back strikes are powerful
One of the easiest things a trainer can do to boost the chances of making a successful catch is by approaching from the back. Most of the Pokemon in the game move around a lot; they fidget and look for items ad nauseam.
A trainer can easily sneak up on a target and wait for it to show its back to throw an accurate Poke Ball.
2) Spam Agile moves

Often when filling up their Pokedexes, trainers can have a team that is much more powerful than what they are trying to catch. It can be really difficult catching a level 20 Glameow with a team of level 50 Luxrays and Gardevoirs.
Thankfully, though, Agile moves lower the power of the attack, which means higher-level teammates can use Agile moves to bring foes to low health without killing them.
Bonus tip: Many Pokemon can learn False Swipe from the Move Tutor in Jubilife City. Examples would be Rowlett, Kleavor, Gallade, Garchomp and Kricketune.
1) Throw berries often

In a game where a key factor is staying hidden, finding ways to distract targets can be very useful. There is one major tool trainers will have for this purpose: berries. Especially if a Pokemon likes a particular berry, throwing it at their feet will cause them to rush over and eat it.
This is the trainer's opportunity to get into position and fire off a Poke Ball of their choosing, likely making a successful catch.
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