If legendary Pokemon weren’t so overpowered, it’s hard to believe anyone would go through the struggle to catch them.
When any fan purchases a new Pokemon game, they can rest assured that they should be able to catch the cover legendary at some point. How they go about it, though, can differ a lot.
Sometimes trainers just have to complete the story and the legendary will show up, but other times they are locked behind an elaborate mission that can suck the energy out of them.
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Which legendary Pokemon are the hardest to catch?
5) Giratina

Pokemon Platinum players can always look forward to catching Giratina at the end of the game. In fact, they can’t even ignore it, since they will have to stop Cyrus eventually. There’s no way to catch Giratina, though, without navigating through the Distortion World.
Just reaching Giratina could take half an hour in itself. Trainers will need to hop around, complete puzzles, walk sideways and upside-down to get through the Distortion World. On top of that, they will have to complete a Strength puzzle that involves the lake spirits (Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit).
4) Rayquaza

Trainers who caught Rayquaza in ORAS don’t know how easily they got it. Back in the day, trainers would have to grab their bikes and race up the Spear Pillar. This location was a pain to find in the first place, since it involves surfing across the miles of water that stretches across the Hoenn region.
If trainers could navigate up the Spear Pillar, though, Rayquaza would be waiting at level 70. Unless trainers were willing to throw their Master Ball at it, they would need a high-powered team to catch this legendary.
3) Enamorus

It is highly advised trainers stretch before trying to catch this beast. It’s going to take pro-gamer level reactions to get past the multiple cyclones that Enamorus leaves in its trail as it dances around the Scarlett Bog.
What makes this even more difficult is that, in order to face Enamorus in the first place, trainers need to have caught Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus. Once they finally face it, each small tornado that Enamorus throws at the player will leave them confused, and they will walk the opposite of the way they press their joystick.
2) Regirock/Registeel/Regice

It took almost as long to find each legendary titan as it took to play the rest of the Generation III games. Regirock, Registeel and Regice could only be found after completing one of the most elaborate side missions in Pokemon history.
First of all, trainers would need a Wailord and Relicanth on their team to begin the mission in the first place. Secondly, they would need to read braille messages by diving underwater in an area west of Pacifildog Town.
After that, the Regis would awaken and trainers would have to fulfill specific actions to battle each Regi. They’re also incredibly defensive, so whittling their health down will take forever.
1) Raikou/Entei
Roaming legendaries are usually two words that will make any fan of the series cringe. None were worse, though, than these two from the Johto region. Once the trainer unleashes the legendary beasts at Burned Tower (which is before the fourth Gym badge), they can find Raikou or Entei in the wild.
Many collectathoners simply choose to conserve their Master Ball for these legendaries instead of using Mean Look or similar moves to trap them. If any trainer wants to complete the Johto Pokedex, though, they can only use the Master Ball on one of the legendary beasts.
This also only applies to the remakes and Pokemon Crystal. In Gold and Silver, Suicune is roaming as well.
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