A Nuzlocke challenge in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl requires plenty of thought and strategy.
Simply catching Pokemon and battling your way through the Sinnoh region won't help you when it comes to a Nuzlocke. You'll need to plan, choose which creatures to use, and hope for a bit of luck.
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In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, there are plenty of creatures you'll want to avoid. This is due to weaknesses, lack of offensive capabilities, and other Pokemon just being better.
5 Pokemon to avoid in a Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Nuzlocke
5) Chatot

Chatot isn't the worst choice, but it certainly isn't as suitable as some other Flying-type Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. It has decent Speed at a base of 91 and Special Attack at 92. Still, Starly can be caught much earlier if you end up with one, outshining Chatot in every way.
4) Abomasnow

Abomasnow is a frightening Pokemon and is super fun to use in the main story. For a Nuzlocke, though, you'll want to steer clear. You won't come across it or its pre-evolution until you've earned six Gym badges.
By then, you should already have a powerful Grass-type. It is also 4x weak to Fire and has six other weaknesses to worry about.
3) Carnivine

Carnivine can only be obtained as a random encounter in the Great Marsh of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. However, there are other creatures you are better off hunting for in the Great Marsh. Carnivine has a good base Attack stat at 100, but its learnset is awful, and it has five common weaknesses.
2) Kricketune

Bug-type Pokemon are notoriously weak and should be avoided at all costs in a Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Nuzlocke. While its facial hair and in-game cry are fan-favorites, it has terrible stats for a fully evolved Pokemon. It only has one stat above 77, 85 base Attack.
1) Unown

There are several different forms of Unown, and they are pretty easy to catch. The problem, however, is that Unown isn't worth it. It is a gimmick Pokemon with no evolution and horrible stats. Its Attack and Special Attack start at 72, and everything else is at 48. Also, it can only learn the move Hidden Power.
Note: The article reflects the author's views.
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