Wayfarer submission reportedly banning Pokemon GO account: Everything you need to know

wayfarer banning inappropriate pokestops
Submitting bad PokeStops might get you banned (Image via Sportskeeda || The Pokemon Company)

Niantic strikes again as Pokemon GO players are running into issues that are leading to their accounts being banned. These bans are mostly temporary (30 days), but you can run the risk of getting permanently suspended from Pokemon GO. Random bans have been in the game for quite some time now, but this time around, Niantic has taken it one step further.

In this article, we will take a look at why people are getting banned in Pokemon GO, and we will also tell you how you can avoid getting a similar suspension in the game.

Why are Pokemon GO players getting banned for submitting PokeStops through Wayfarer?

A Twitter user, greenbeev, recently shared their experience with Wayfarer. They posted a screenshot where it says:

“Your account has been suspended for violating the Terms of Service. This suspension will last approximately 30 days. Any further transgressions will result in permanent account termination.”

They were initially unsure why Niantic suspended their Pokemon GO account. A lot of people were suspicious about his actions in the game. There were speculations that this person might be spoofing, and that’s why their account was suspended.

However, this got ruled out when greenbeev tweeted and showed what Niantic had to say about the ban. They said that the company sent them an email that clarified the reason behind their 30-day ban. This is what Niantic had to say in the email:

“We have confirmed that you have been submitting nominations that do not meet our criteria. As a result of this violation, your Wayfarer and Pokemon GO accounts have been suspended for 30 days. We recommend you review the Wayspot Criteria before submitting any more contributions. Note that any further violations can lead to permanent suspension of your Wayfarer and your Pokemon GO accounts.”

This is concerning for the community, if true, as you can potentially get banned for submitting PokeStop requests that do not sit well with Niantic.

However, it is not all whims and fancies as a Wayfarer Ambassador, AisforANDIS, who claims to be an “unpaid volunteer and is not an employee,” stated that Niantic doesn’t randomly ban people for submitting PokeStops. There are a set of strict rules, failing to follow which might get you banned from Wayfarer and Pokemon GO.

A lot of people resort to unfair means like submitting fake 360-degree images of the Point of Interest to get a PokeStop that they can conveniently reach from their home, workplace, school, or someplace where they spend a lot of time.

Niantic has been taking measures against these people to make sure no one gets an unfair advantage as a result of their negligence.

There have also been reports of people in the Netherlands using bots to submit fake PokeStop requests. As a result of these exploits and violations, people at Niantic are not even considering warning people who submit PokeStop requests that do not fit the set criteria. Instead, they are reportedly straight-up banning their accounts.

This might raise questions in your mind and make you skeptical about submitting further requests. If the PokeStop doesn’t meet the requirements, you may get banned.

Will submitting PokeStops using Wayfarer get your Pokemon GO account banned?


As we just saw, if your PokeStop submission is fake or if you use tools like Photoshop to create non-existing Points of Interest to get a PokeStop in your backyard, you will most likely be hit with a ban.

However, if you follow the terms and conditions mentioned on the Wayfarer website, you might not face any severe consequences.

How to avoid getting banned in Pokemon GO while submitting PokeStops in Wayfarer?


First and foremost, you need to go through the Wayspot Criteria. You can find further details here.

Once you have read everything, you should avoid being sly. If you submit a fake picture of a Point of Interest that does not exist, you will get caught. That will most likely get you banned for violating the terms.

As long you are being truthful about this, you are unlikely to face any suspensions in the game.

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Edited by Angshuman Dutta
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