Following the release of Pokemon GO, many players have tried to make the most of their time, resources, and, more importantly, the battery life of their phones. As Pokemon GO uses data to track the player's GPS location, the player's phone batteries can drain quickly, resulting in a rising market for a solution.
Enter the Auto-Catchers. Auto-Catchers have been a valuable tool to help both the hardcore and the casual audience of Pokemon GO since they first arrived on the scene. Many players looking to invest in an Auto-Catcher may not know which one is best for them and how they choose to play Pokemon GO.
Which Auto-Catchers work with Pokemon GO?

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In September of 2016, the first Auto-Catcher for Pokemon GO was released. The new device, Pokemon GO Plus, is a small wearable device that players attach to their wrists. As the player walks, the device automatically spins Pokestops that the player passes by, and catches Pokemon the player encounters on their journey. The device was announced alongside the game and priced at $34.99.

Sometime later, in 2017, the first Go-tcha device hit store shelves. While appearing as a cheap knock-off, the Go-tcha had one thing that set it apart from the GO Plus and would change the Auto-Catchers industry forever - the Go-tcha was fully automated.
While the GO Plus has a small button the player can press to spin stops or catch Pokemon, the Go-tcha, being fully automatic, allows players to just put it on and go for a walk. The only downside to the Go-tcha is its battery life. While the GO Plus can last for months, the Go-tcha will only last for a little less than a day before having to be charged.

After the release of the Go-tcha, the Go-tcha Ranger was released. It uses the same technology as the Go-tcha but with a few enhancements and additional features. While the Go-tcha only lasts for less than a day, the Go-tcha Ranger can go on for weeks.
On top of the extra battery life, the Go-tcha Ranger can be used as a power bank to charge a cell phone, and has a built-in compass and a flashlight. The only downside to the Go-tcha Ranger is that due to its size and lack of a wrist band, it cannot be worn like the GO Plus or the original Go-tcha. Overall, it is an excellent investment for hardcore Pokemon GO players.

In November 2018, Pokemon: Let's GO Pikachu and Let's GO Eevee hit store shelves. Along with the game's release, a new controller was released to go alongside the latest games. The Pokeball Plus was to be used as an alternative controller for new games to allow for more immersion.
On top of being a controller, the Pokeball Plus can also be used much like the Pokewalker from the releases of Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver. Players can transfer a Pokemon from the game to their device and walk with their Pokemon to help boost its stats and levels. The Pokeball Plus can also connect to Pokemon GO and act much like the GO Plus accessory. The button at the center of the controller can be used to spin Pokestops and catch Pokemon.

The least well-known of all the auto-catchers is the Brook Auto Catcher. While not a bad piece of equipment, it lacks any notable features to help it stand out from its main competitor, the GO-tcha line of auto-catching accessories. With a steep price of $50, players will find this device reliable and helpful in a pinch, but it should only be considered if a better one cannot be found.

Lastly, the Go-tcha Evolve is the latest device in the Go-tcha family and is preferred by many players. The device's battery life is excellent and it has a full-color screen that displays all the information the game provides, such as whether a Pokemon has been captured or not, how many steps the player has taken, and much more.
In summary, all of these devices still work with Pokemon GO and can be a valuable resource for both hardcore and casual players. As previously stated, many players prefer the Go-tcha Evolve, and it is recommended for all players to use it due to its durability and practicality.
Note: This article was updated on August 13, 2022 to include the Brook Auto Catcher.
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