Pokemon GO's Max Out season has finally brought the Galar Starter Pokemon into the game, making every current generation's starters available to catch. This has left some players wondering which of these special creatures perform the best in the game's competitive Battle League.
Rather than sporting the turn-based combat the franchise is known for, Pokemon GO hosts a real-time battle system that operates off a series of light and heavy attacks, so viability in the mobile game looks drastically different from the main series.
Since the Great League is used for official tournaments and sees the most players, this format will be the main consideration for this list.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions
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Best starters in Pokemon GO's Great League from every region
1) Kanto - Venusaur

Venusaur is a Grass and Poison-type Pokemon that has great bulk and access to spammable charged attacks.
With access to both Frenzy Plant and Sludge Bomb, Venusaur is one of the few creatures in the Great League capable of taking out opposing Grass-type Pocket Monsters.
2) Johto - Feraligatr

Feraligatr has incredible attacking power, as well as access to great coverage and same-type attack options.
With Shadow Claw, Hydro Cannon, and Ice Beam, Feraligatr can comfortably take down any Dragon-, Fire-, or Ground-type critter that it may encounter.
3) Hoenn - Swampert

It should not come as a surprise that Swampert is considered to be one of the best starters in Pokemon GO.
With its high bulk, strength, and defensive typing of Water and Ground, Swampert has great survivability. In addition, it packs a devastating punch with Hydro Cannon and Earthquake.
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4) Sinnoh - Empoleon

Empoleon's Shadow variant has been the best-performing Sinnoh starter in Pokemon GO's Great League for a while now.
With access to Ice, Flying, Steel, and Water-type moves, Empoleon has both great offense and survivability. Its standard variant is also decent, but the shadow variety gets a boost to its attack stat.
5) Unova - Samurott

Samurott has become a much more popular pick recently due to its access to Fury Cutter and Megahorn. This makes it a valuable choice against Psychic- and Dark-type creatures like Malamar, in addition to the standard match-ups where Water-type critters have the advantage.
6) Kalos - Greninja

Greninja has great burst damage potential in Pokemon GO with access to Night Slash and Hydro Cannon. However, its defensive stats leave it incredibly vulnerable in neutral and unfavorable match-ups.
As such, using Greninja effectively takes knowledge in proper team-building, as it will need teammates that can cover up many of its weaknesses.
7) Alola - Decidueye

Decidueye offers a similar playstyle to Greninja in Pokemon GO, being a glass cannon.
Unlike the Kalos Frog, Decidueye sports a Grass and Ghost typing, which has its fair share of match-ups, but it crumbles when put against a Dark-, Flying-, or Fire-type creature. However, its signature move, Spirit Shackle, does debuff the target, making it a great lead.
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8) Galar - Rillaboom

While Rillaboom has high stamina and the ability to take on most Water-type creatures in Pokemon GO's Great League, it falls short compared to other Starter Pokemon available. This is due to it and the rest of the Galar starters' lacking access to Frenzy Plant, Hydro Cannon, or Blast Burn.
9) Hisui - Samurott

Much like the Galarian starters, the Hisui set lacks access to their elemental moves, meaning they should not be used over other Starter Pokemon in serious play.
Nevertheless, Hisuian Samurott proves to be the best of the bunch, with its access to Bug- and Dark-type moves giving it plenty of coverage options.
10) Paldea - Skeledirge

Being another new starter, Skeledirge does not have access to its signature Blast Burn attack. However, this has not stopped it from becoming a decent niche pick in the Great League.
Fire and Ghost is a great offensive typing, allowing Skeledirge to take on Cresselia, Alolan Sandslash, and other potent picks.
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