Pokemon GO's Fighting Cup will return on December 8, 2022, and will last until December 15, 2022, but with a twist. Specifically, this iteration of the Fighting Cup will be blended with the Great League Remix format, which will see a few specific Pokemon in the meta being banned.
Specifically, as of December 2022, the Pokemon Hakamo-O, Kommo-O, Buzzwole, and Sneasler will not be permitted in the Fighting Cup Great League Edition Remix. This isn't a coincidence, as they were some of the most-used Pocket Monsters for the Fighting Cup format by Ace rank and higher trainers.
Given this change, Pokemon GO players must re-formulate their battle teams to accommodate. Even if they aren't using the banned Pokemon, their absence will change the meta and allow other creatures to thrive in the remixed format.
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Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinions of the writer
Sirfetch'd, Toxicroak, and Machamp form a great battle team in Pokemon GO's Fighting Cup Great League Remix Edition

Before creating one's PvP team for this new format in Pokemon GO, certain rules must be kept in mind.
Since this is a Great League PvP competition, only Pokemon of 1,500 CP or below will be permitted. Additionally, since this is a Fighting Cup format, Psychic-type Pocket Monsters are barred from entry. As expected, this has led to Fighting-type creatures dominating the format. Players will want to utilize some great Fighting-types to round out their team for the long haul.
For a lead Pokemon to start their team with, Sirfetch'd has become an incredibly useful vanguard for PvP battles in the format. Thanks to its high attack stat and ability to use Flying-type moves like Brave Bird, it can counter most Fighting-types in the cup effectively and deal a great amount of damage.
Fury Cutter is usable by Sirfetch'd, which admittedly isn't great for damage (Fighting-types resist Bug-type moves). However, it's more about the rapid charge speed the move provides to hit foes with Brave Bird frequently.
For a closer to finish matches and take down unshielded opponents, Toxicroak is a spectacular choice. Thanks to its high attack and stamina stats in Pokemon GO, it can dish out damage with moves like Mud Bomb and Sludge Bomb while being able to take some punishment.
Mud Bomb and Sludge Bomb are also Ground and Poison-type, respectively, giving Toxicroak good elemental type coverage against popular picks like Blaziken and Heracross.
When things get ugly for Sirfetch'd or Toxicroak, Pokemon GO trainers will want a reliable switch to regain momentum. There are plenty of options available, but players can't go wrong with Machamp.
Thanks to its high attack and stamina stats and its mono-Fighting-type element, Machamp should be available to push neutral in most type matchups. It also has the durability and stopping power to take down foes and regain the upper hand in a PvP battle. Top moves for the Pokemon include Counter, Cross Chop, and Close Combat.
There's no perfect Pokemon GO team for any PvP format due to the rock-paper-scissors nature of the game's combat. However, the team outlined above should be a great way to get started.
With the Fighting Cup Remix Great League Edition arriving soon, players still have time to catch and power up their Pokemon for the league before it begins.
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