Druddigon is a somewhat recent addition to Pokemon GO. It is a Dragon-type Pokemon from the fifth generation of Pokemon games.
As a standard Dragon-type Pokemon, Druddigon generally has three elemental type weaknesses: Ice, Fairy, and other Dragon-type Pokemon and moves. This provides a fairly sizable range of options for trainers to utilize when countering this imposing Pokemon.
Druddigon has a considerably high attack with a fairly decent bulk to match, but when faced with super-effective damage consistently, it simply won't last long.
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Trainers have a lot of choices when it comes to building their battle parties to face Druddigon, including Fast and Charge Moves.
Pokemon GO: Counters that work well against Druddigon

When countering Druddigon, or any mono Dragon-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO, trainers can stick to Ice, Dragon, and Fairy-type Pokemon and moves.
However, players should be aware that using Dragon-type Pokemon to battle other Dragon-types is quite a risky endeavor. This is because both Pokemon will be weak to each other's Dragon-type moves. This can result in a race of DPS, with either the hardest-hitting or highest-bulk Dragon-type coming out on top.
If Pokemon GO trainers run into Druddigon in a gym raid, they'll have even more options available to them to defeat it. For example, if trainers choose, they can utilize Mega Evolved Pokemon to deal with the boosted CP and stats of a raid-boosted Druddigon.
All options are on the table in raids, but trainers can defeat a standard Druddigon without Mega Evolutions.
Below, Pokemon GO trainers will find a list of Pokemon and move counters that can deal a high amount of damage to Druddigon:
Fast Moves
- Dragon Breath (Dragon-type)
- Powder Snow (Ice-type)
- Dragon Tail (Dragon-type)
- Ice Fang (Ice-type)
- Ice Shard (Ice-type)
- Charm (Fairy-type)
Charge Moves
- Dragon Claw Dragon-type)
- Weather Ball (Ice-type)
- Dragon Pulse Dragon-type)
- Dazzling Gleam (Fairy-type)
- Outrage Dragon-type)
- Draco Meteor Dragon-type)
- Avalanche (Ice-type)
- Play Rough (Fairy-type)
- Blizzard (Ice-type)
- Moonblast (Fairy-type)
- Mega Charizard X
- Mega Abomasnow
- Mega Altaria
- Mega Gyarados
- Mega Charizard Y
- Rayquaza
- Dialga
- Salamence
- Palkia
- Garchomp
- Dragonite
- Zekrom
- Reshiram
- Haxorus
- Galarian Darmanitan
- Hydreigon
- Latios
- Zacian
- Kyurem
- Mamoswine
- Weavile
- Glaceon
- Gardevoir
- Togekiss
- Latias
- Tapu Koko
- Primarina
With the right Pokemon team utilizing the right moves, trainers should have little issue defeating Druddigon.
While it's true that this Dragon-type hits hard, it doesn't have the durability to continuously take super effective damage.
Few Pokemon truly do, and as long as trainers are careful with their choices, Druddigon should be much less intimidating.
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