Thanks to the efforts of Pokemon GO trainers who attended GO Fest: Seattle, the upcoming Ultra Unlock requirements have been completed. Trainers can now complete upcoming tasks and challenges and gain the opportunity to capture Pokemon from the Hisuian region, the ancient iteration of Sinnoh from Pokemon Legends: Arceus.
Since Pokemon GO trainers have completed thousands of raids during GO Fest: Seattle, players will have access to the Hisuian Discoveries and Raid Day events. Pokemon such as Hisuian Qwilfish, Growlithe, Sneasel, and Braviary will soon be available for all players.
Below, trainers can find a quick guide on how to capitalize on these events and capture some new Hisuian Pokemon for their Pokedexes and battle teams.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Breaking down Pokemon GO's Hisuian Discoveries and Raid Day

Hisuian Discoveries in Pokemon GO will begin on July 27, 2022, at 10 am local time and will last until August 2, 2022, at 8 pm local time.
The Hisuian variants of Growlithe, Sneasel, and Qwilfish will emerge from beyond time and space and make their in-game debuts during this event. Furthermore, additional Pokemon will appear in the wild alongside their new Hisuian friends, including:
- Zubat
- Ponyta
- Onix
- Hisuian Voltorb
- Tangela
- Eevee
- Porygon
- Aipom
- Wurmple
- Buizel
- Kricketot
- Drifloon
- Bronzor
- Croagunk
- Electabuzz
- Magmar
- Octillery
- Gible
Furthermore, Pokemon GO trainers will be able to encounter a new set of Pokemon as raid bosses. These bosses include:
1-Star Raid Bosses
- Sneasel
- Roselia
- Shinx
3-Star Raid Bosses
- Chansey
- Togetic
- Kirlia
- Whiscash
Trainers who hatch 7-kilometer eggs during the Hisuian Discoveries event will also be able to hatch a collection of Pokemon, including Hisuian Growlithe, Hisuian Sneasel, Hisuian Qwilfish, and Hisuian Voltorb. If trainers complete Field Research Tasks during the event, they can also obtain a host of Pokemon, such as:
- Clefairy
- Paras
- Psyduck
- Magnemite
- Cyndaquil
- Sneasel
- Remoraid
- Mantine
- Shinx
- Plant Burmy
- Sandy Burmy
- Trash Burmy
- Oshawott
- Petilil
- Rowlet
Thanks to the efforts of Pokemon GO trainers at GO Fest: Seattle, players worldwide will also have access to the event's Raid Day festivities on July 31, 2022, from 11 am to 2 pm local time.
During this time, trainers can battle Hisuian Braviary as a raid boss and can even encounter its shiny form during their raids. Its shiny form will be more prevalent during the event compared to its future appearances, making this a great opportunity to capture the shiny Pokemon during its initial debut.
Trainers will also receive extra friendship points and will receive the ability to open up to 45 gifts and send up to 150 to each other each day.
In addition to Hisuian Braviary's appearance, trainers will also be able to experience Unown S and Panpour as raid bosses during the Raid Day festivities.
With so many Pokemon to capture, including Shinies, there's plenty to look forward to on Raid Day, in addition to all of the Hisui region goodness that is arriving thanks to the Hisui Discoveries event. Trainers will likely want to stock up on Pokeballs and healing items, as it's going to be a considerably hectic conclusion to the month of July.
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