Koffing, the Poison-type predecessor of Weezing from the Kanto region, has had a long tenure in Pokemon GO and plenty of trainers have taken it on in battle.
In Pokemon GO, Koffing is currently only weak to Ground and Psychic-type moves. This is an improvement from many of the mainline Pokemon games, where Koffing is immune to many Ground-type attacks due to its ability to levitate. However, since abilities like Levitate aren't yet a part of Pokemon GO, Koffing's weaknesses open up somewhat, meaning trainers don't have to rely solely on Psychic-type moves to get the job done.
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Pokemon GO: Great counters to use against Koffing

ince Koffing isn't exactly a powerhouse in Pokemon GO, using most Ground and Psychic-type moves should quickly dispatch it. However, using the right moves and the right Pokemon can speed up the process significantly. Koffing already doesn't have much bulk to aid its survivability, so using the right Pokemon and move combos can one or two-shot it into defeat with little effort. If trainers are looking for certain picks in Pokemon GO to absolutely trounce Koffing, they can try these moves and Pokemon:
Fast Moves
- Confusion (Psychic-type)
- Mud-Slap (Ground-type)
- Mud Shot (Ground-type)
- Zen Headbutt (Psychic-type)
- Extrasensory (Psychic-type)
Charge Moves
- Psychic (Psychic-type)
- Psystrike (Psychic-type)
- Earthquake (Ground-type)
- Earth Power (Ground-type)
- Future Sight (Psychic-type)
- Gengar/Mega Gengar
- Mewtwo
- Excadrill
- Landorus
- Hoopa
- Metagross
- Rhyperior
- Garchomp
- Groudon
- Mr. Rime
- Latios
- Gardevoir
- Gallade
- Delphox
- Alakazam
- Krookodile
- Celebi
- Jirachi
- Golurk
- Azelf
- Espeon
- Beheeyem
- Golem
This list is by no means exhaustive, and players have plenty of room to experiment with their Pokemon GO team when taking on Koffing. The Poison Gas Pokemon isn't exactly capable of punishing trainers very hard for trying different Pokemon and move combinations out. Simply hammering it with super effective damage should be more than enough to take it down without much effort, unless the Pokemon utilizing the moves is low in CP or stats.
All in all, it really shouldn't take much counterplay to defeat Koffing in Pokemon GO. The Pokemon itself isn't anything to write home about in battle, especially without evolving into the more-capable Weezing. Trainers should double up on Psychic and Ground-type Pokemon/moves, and Koffing will easily be dispatched without much fanfare.
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