One half of a duo that includes Latias, Latios has been in Pokemon GO for quite some time and has ebbed and flowed in popularity as a Dragon/Psychic-type Pokemon.
Since many Pokemon GO trainers have likely speculated on Latios recently because of Latias' use by Giovanni of Team GO Rocket, it doesn't hurt to recall the weaknesses Latios has in battle.
Fortunately, its typing leaves it vulnerable to a grand total of six different elemental moves. This provides players with a wide swath of Pokemon and moves to utilize in order to defeat Latios in combat, regardless of whether they encounter it in PvE or PvP.
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Pokemon GO: Exploiting Latios' weaknesses
Overall, in Pokemon and Pokemon GO, Latios is extremely susceptible to Bug, Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, and Ice-type moves. This presents plenty of counter-pick options for trainers regardless of where they face Latios.
Even in a raid boss situation, Latios doesn't have the durability to continuously sustain super-effective damage for very long, even with its boosted stats and CP from being a raid boss.
With enough super-effective damage and determination, just about any Pokemon a trainer faces will eventually crumple. It's part of the series' rock-paper-scissors combat. Picking Pokemon to counter Latios shouldn't be too difficult, though the Pokemon should at least be somewhat comparable in stats or CP.

Latios is a Legendary Pokemon, making it quite strong in Pokemon GO. However, it isn't exactly in the upper echelon of Legendary Pokemon. This makes it much more beatable than some of its counterparts in the context of Pokemon GO.
Some great Pokemon counters in Pokemon GO include Mega Evolutions, but if trainers are dealing with Latios outside of raids, many other options are available. Despite its legendary status, Latios shouldn't be too difficult to take down, with so many weaknesses.
Trainers may want to look at Mega Evolutions such as Mega Gengar, Mega Houndoom, Mega Absol, Mega Gyarados, Mega Charizard X, Mega Beedrill, Mega Abomasnow, and Mega Altaria. However, if players aren't willing or able to use Mega-Evolved Pokemon, another strategy is required.
For example, some great contenders to defeat Latios can include Dialga, Salamence, Zekrom, Palkia, and Garchomp for Dragon-types, though these Pokemon risk-taking super effective damage themselves from Latios. Other alternatives include Gengar, Zacian, Galarian Darmanitan, Darkrai, Chandelure, Weavile, Hoopa, and Giratina.
As long as Pokemon GOtrainers stick to Latios' weaknesses with Pokemon and moves of comparable strength, the Eon Pokemon should be pretty easy to defeat. Bring a few trainers along in a raid situation, and players should be able to catch Latios in short order.
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