Shinx is one of the first Pokemon that trainers will encounter in the wild of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).
The super common Electric-type Pokemon is one of the few of that type that are available in the early stages of BDSP. This makes it a must have for many trainers journeying throughout the Sinnoh region.
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As you progress on your adventure, you'll find that Shinx evolves rather quickly. You can get your hands on its next form, Luxio, after leveling Shinx up to a mere level 15.
Shinx evolves into Luxio at level 15 in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Luxio evolves into the mighty Luxray, but you'll need to obtain a Luxio first. That is done by catching a Shinx and evolving it at level 15. This is one of the easiest evolutions to accomplish in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Very early on in the game, Shinx can be caught on Routes 202, 203, and 104. On those Routes, you'll find it anywhere from level 3 to level 7. A low level like that makes it stay in the Poke Ball.
Once you have one, you just need to battle with Shinx in your party. Leveling up via EXP will be the method here, because you'll be hard pressed to find any Rare Candy at this point.
As long as Shinx is not fainted and in your party, it will receive EXP when you win a Pokemon battle. The stronger the opponent, the more EXP your party will receive after the battle is over.
Shinx will gain more EXP if it is in battle at any point before the opposing Pokemon faints. Still, at such a low level, any amount of battling will get Shinx to level 15 quickly.
Once it hits level 15, the evolution will begin. You'll see a small cutscene where Shinx evolves into Luxio. When it ends, Shinx will be no more and you'll have its second form.
This takes you one evolution away from arguably the best Electric-type Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, Luxray, with an insane base Attack stat of 120 and the Intimidate Ability.
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