Mudkip recently got its second Community Day in Pokemon GO. The Water-type pocket monster is a popular starter among PVP enthusiasts.
This Water-type was introduced back in Generation III before the physical-special split and before anyone heard of a Mega Evolution or Dynamax. Mudkip isn’t only famous for being an adorable critter. It also has one of the most impressive evolution lines in the game.
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Like in the main series, Mudkip has two evolutionary stages. First comes the mid-stage Marshtomp, and its evolution ends at Swampert.
In the main series games, Mudkip evolves into Marshtomp at level 16 and finally into Swampert at level 36. However, in Pokemon GO, Mudkip needs 25 candy to evolve into Marshtomp and 100 more candy to get to Swampert.
Technically, there is one other piece to the Mudkip evolution line, although it hasn’t made its way into the mobile app yet. In Generation VI, Swampert received a Mega Evolution just in time for the Generation III remake.
Niantic hasn’t released any of the Mega Evolutions for Generation II starters, let alone Swampert. Mega Evolutions from Hoenn have been added, though, like Mega Absol and Mega Manetric. It might only be a matter of time before Swampert gets its Mega Evolution in the game.

Mudkip has one of the more important evolution lines because of the secondary typing. Most Water-types are weak to Electric, but Marshtomp and Swampert have a secondary Ground type. Since Ground is immune to Electric, it loses that weakness. It certainly comes in handy in the Hoenn region, where the third Gym leader uses Electric-types.
In terms of Pokemon GO, immunities work a little differently. Instead of taking no damage from Electric moves, Ground-types take double-reduced damage (39%). Therefore, since Electric does super-effective damage to Water-types, Marshtomp and Swampert take 63% damage from Electric-types.
Mudkip recently got a Community Day on April 10. Trainers had the chance to collect candy to evolve and eventually power up Swampert. Every Mudkip that evolved into Swampert during this event has access to the latter's most potent move, Hydro Cannon.
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