What Pokemon come from hatching Eggs in Pokemon GO?

Most of the variants of eggs available in Pokemon GO (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Most of the variants of eggs available in Pokemon GO (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Pokemon GO is an ever-changing mobile game for the Pokemon franchise. The free-to-play geocaching experience first hit the market in July 2016, just in time for summer. Upon release, the game was met with success and high praise from both old and new Pokemon fans due to its broad appeal in multiple markets.


With all of these new mechanics being introduced as the series grows and develops further, Pokemon GO has been following suit. New content is added to the mobile game with each new installment.

While the base launch of Niantic's mobile game was, arguably, incredibly bare-bones, the game has had large updates ever since. Even now, Niantic is focusing fully on bringing Pokemon from the seventh generation, Pokemon from the Alola region, to the mobile game through a series of events. Hatching eggs is one of the game's core mechanics, and here's what players need to know about it.

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Obtaining and hatching eggs in Pokemon GO

Eggs in Pokemon GO that require the player to walk 7 kilometers to hatch (Image via Niantic)
Eggs in Pokemon GO that require the player to walk 7 kilometers to hatch (Image via Niantic)

Since the second generation, eggs have been a staple mechanic of the Pokemon franchise. In the older games, eggs could be obtained by putting two Pokemon of the opposite gender in the Pokemon Daycare. New "baby" Pokemon were added to coincide with this feature.


Many fan favorites like Pichu, Magby, Igglybuff, and more could only be obtained through breeding Pokemon and hatching eggs. Pokemon Crystal featured a free egg that players could pick up from the Daycare building to introduce them to this mechanic.

The breeding and egg mechanics got more fleshed out as the series progressed. This method of training Pokemon went from being a way to let players collect rare baby Pokemon to letting them fully customize every conceivable aspect of almost any Pokemon. Players can even find Shiny Pokemon through breeding.

An egg as it appears in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)
An egg as it appears in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

As many players anticipated, eggs eventually made their way into Pokemon GO. With eggs being hatched in the main series after the player takes a certain amount of steps, it only makes sense for this to be ported to a mobile game that revolves around walking to find items and wild Pokemon.


Like the main series, the eggs in Pokemon GO have different requirements for the amount of distance the player has to walk depending on what is inside. In the main series, eggs that contained Pokemon like Dratini and Larvitar required more steps than eggs containing Sandshrew or Rattata. This holds true for the mobile game.

Rather than having the same egg design with different step requirements, Pokemon GO has different colored eggs for each requirement. The original egg design from the main series comes back to the mobile game through the two kilometer egg design. From there, each design for the eggs is original.


Currently, the Spring event brings a lot of exclusive Pokemon, both in the wild and in eggs. Players can hatch Flower Crown Pichu, Igglybuff, Azurill, Munchlax, Happiny, Flower Crown Togepi, Exeggcute, Riolu, and Chingling from two kilometer eggs. The Flower Crown Pokemon are also exclusives to the yearly spring events.

The 12 kilometer eggs are only rewarded to players who defeat any of the Team GO Rocket Leaders. Currently, these eggs could contain shiny variants of Absol, Deino, Larvitar, Skorupi, and Vullaby. While incredibly rare, this is possible for a few lucky players.

Official artwork for Pokemon GO's Spring 2022 event (Image via Niantic)
Official artwork for Pokemon GO's Spring 2022 event (Image via Niantic)

Other Pokemon that can hatch from 12 kilometer eggs include:

  • Pancham
  • Pawniard
  • Salandit
  • Sandile
  • Scraggy
  • Skrelp

This list may not seem very different from past entries, but the notable edition of this event's list is Salandit. Salandit is one of the most recent Pokemon to be added to Pokemon GO.

For the rest of the eggs, the list has not changed much due to these eggs being the most common among all players. The Pokemon that can be found in five kilometer eggs include:

  • Tyrouge
  • Seel
  • Azurill
  • Bonsly
  • Mantyke
  • Rowlet
  • Litten
  • Popplio
  • Skarmory

A variety of regionally-exclusive Pokemon can also be hatched from these eggs in Pokemon GO.


Seven kilometer eggs in Pokemon GO are the only way players can encounter Pokemon regional variants like Galarian or Alolan Meowth. This remains consistent even now. Notably, Galarian Darumaka can hatch from these eggs. Galarian Darmanitan, Darumaka's evolution, is the best Ice-type in the game.

A cluster of eggs in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)
A cluster of eggs in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Finally, the 10 kilometer Pokemon eggs. These eggs can rarely be found in Pokestops like almost every other egg in the game. Pokemon that can hatch from 10 kilometer eggs include:

  • Audino
  • Riolu
  • Unovan Darumaka
  • Alomomola
  • Axew
  • Rufflet
  • Espurr
  • Goomy
  • Noibat
  • Rockruff
  • Jangmo-o

A lot of these Pokemon are base forms of incredibly powerful Pokemon like Lucario and Haxorus. With this in mind, these 10 kilometer eggs are extremely valuable for competitive players.

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Edited by Danyal Arabi
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